BSM: you're dating noah schnacky

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*He's a tic toker and song writer his songs are really good if you like country and he's hot*

*He's a tic toker and song writer his songs are really good if you like country and he's hot*

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Thats him if you guys wanted to know what he looks like

*age 23 in all*

Luke: you and Noah where just getting home from another perfect day with him you and him having been dating for almost 5 years now and he still haven't popped the question but you where in no rush the boys and girls where coming over to yours and Noah's appartment they were your neighbors yes you lived next to your brother cause he knew the boys and him meant everything to you they showed up and you were talking to them and noticed the boys weren't there then a couple minutes later luke came out with his gutair and started playing it as Noah sung lover of mine you smiled you loved his voice so much he took your hand and sung right to you then at the end of the song he got down on one knee you gasped and put your hands to your mouth he said "yn you're one of the most beautiful girls that I've ever met will you please do me the honors and become my beloved fiancé." He pulled out this beautiful ring you had tears running down your face you said "yes a thousand times yes." Then he picked you up and kissed you on the lips everyone cheered as he put the ring on your finger you were the happeiest you've ever been. You were so happy that he was your fiancé now and happy that Luke was happy for you and same with the others.

Calum: you and Noah were cuddling when they walked in this was the first time ever that they met him well you guys did just start dating 2 weeks ago and where taking things slow but you did meet his siblings so it was bound to happen as mail walked in with them too she said "so this is the guy she's in love with." You blushed and said "this is Noah Noah this is my sister and brother Calum and mail and then his band mates who are like brothers to me Luke Ashton Michael plus their girls Sierra Kaykay snd Crystal." He shook all their hands and said it was nice to meet them Calum said "I love him already he's a amazing guy I know I just meet him but his polite." You smiled happy that he loved him the rest of the day you guys hung with them and they fell in love with him as much as you loved him which you were so happy about.

Ashton: Lauren harry and Ashton walked in with the others too including the one direction boys Noah shot up and said "holy shit it's harry styles." Harry said "that's me and you are?" Noah was starstruck and said "Noah Noah Schnacky." And shook his hand harry said "well nice to meet you are you a fan?" He said "yeah I'm I did a cover of your song falling and sign of the times I love you and same with my sister who is going to murder me if I don't get you to say hi to her." He laughed and said "sure thing."then Noah FaceTimed his sister and she screamed when she saw harry they talked for a bit then she had to go you said "you're forgetting me." Noah said "you've grown up with him." You said "yeah I know I don't care about him well I do but you know what I mean you're forgetting that I'm here." Noah said "of course not babe I would never forget about you." And wrapped his arms around you Ashton said "so you're the guy that makes her so happy." You smiled Noah said "yes I'm it's nice to meet you guys too." He shook their hands and Ashton said "I like him." You were happy that he approved of him you guys hungout with them for the rest of the day.

Michael: Michael was having a party and Noah happened to be here you smiled once you saw him and he said "I just had the most amazing conversation with your brother." You said "you told him we were dating?" He said "he said you told him first?" You said "I did." Then he said "he approves of us and loves me." You smiled and said " I knew he would your the best guy I've ever dated." He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waisted yoy were so happy that Michael approves of this and so did the others he made you so happy and they could tell.

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