Luke:(age:11): you were spending the week with Liam and maya and he was making a Instagram live and his management was telling him what to do once again you rolled your eyes the others were there Eleanor said "yn don't." You said "I'm not watching this anymore like who do they think they are." She tried to grab you but you were to quick and said "listen here I know I'm 11 and you won't care what I have to say but I'm not allowing you to treat him the way you are treating him let him be him let him do what he wants to do you guys don't control him you don't control any of them let me go I'm not done talking to them." You struggled in Harry's arms he said "I believe you are done here love I'm so sorry about her I don't know what's gotten into her she's never like this." He put you down and you said "I'm sick of them they make him do stuff he doesn't want to do." Pointing at them maya said "yn go to your room." You said "whatever you guys don't see what us fans see that's just sad." You went to your room and just sat up there then Liam walked in and hugged you and said "we all see how they treat me but they are still in charge of me so you can't be going off on them like that I know what they are doing to me is upsetting you but there's nothing you can say for them to leave I'm trying to get rid of them ok?" You said "promise oh wait you can't keep promises." He chuckled and said "we can but I promise that I'll will get a new one ok?" You nodded then you went back down stairs and apologized to them they said you were fine then hungout with them for the rest of the day.
Calum:(age:12): the boys were recording with them meaning 5sos and one direction Liam's mangement was there and so was the others but they weren't saying as much as Liam's was and you couldn't take it anymore you said "will you men just shut up for a moment and let him speak and let him say what the fuck he wants to say and do what he wants to do. For goodness sake this isn't good for him you guys can't control him anymore I'm not allowing it to happen anymore." They were all shocked that you said that maya came over and picked you up and said "um she was kidding she didn't mean any of what she said I'm so sorry for her behavior." You said "I-"." Then she covered your mouth and smiled at them and brought you to the living room she put you on the couch and said "so not cool you can't say shit like that this could ruin his career." You said "maya he's not happy with them he needs to find another mangement cause they put him through to much shit that he doesn't need to go through." Then someone said "I know that but you can't just go off on them like that they are still in charge of me weather you fans like it or not I know you guys are protecting me but I want you to go and apologize to them and I don't I'll find new one but it's not as easy as you think it is." You said "fine I'll go and apologize I'm sorry." He said "it's fine but don't say it to me say it to them." You walked back down and said "I'm sorry please don't ruin his caree anymore then you did." Liam gave you a look you sighed and said "I'm sorry for saying Those things to you guys better?" Liam said "much." His mangement said "it's ok not the first time someone went off on us about him." You laughed and then you watched them finished what they were working on.
Ashton:(age:13): they were doing a livestream with them and all their mangements were there but the others weren't saying as much as Liam's and you couldn't hold back anymore and said "you guys are wrose then Simon and that's saying something." Everyone looked at you and his management said "pardon me?" You said "you heard what I said you guys are so judgy about everything liam does when he's just trying to do his best and do what he loves to do I'm sorry if you don't like him then find someone else to pick on." They were silent maya said "Um she kidding she doesn't mean all of that she'll be going sorry about her." And took you into the other room she said "not cool." You said "I'm sorry I don't want them hurting my idol and who's like a brother to me anymore I'm sorry for caring." Liam walked in and said "you can care but didn't have to be so harsh to them I'm leaving them don't worry but it takes time for the time being I have to be with them you gotta live with that same with the other fans now go say sorry to them." You said "fine but can I still go off on Simon?" He said "no now go." You sighed and then went to apologize to them they said it was fine then they continued the livestream.
Michael:(age:14):you guys were having dinner with the mangements you didn't want to be there in the first place you hated all their mangements when Liam's ask you "how long have you've known Liam for?" You said "longer then you guys known him I've known him all my life and he's a really good guy and doesn't deserve to be treated the way you guys are treating him he needs to find a new management right now." Liam did a nervous laugh and said "she's kidding yn come with me." You went with him he said "what the hell!!" You said "it's true and you know it." He said "yeah but didn't need to cause a scene like that." You said "I don't want to be here in the first place not going to act like I'm enjoying it." He said "yn please I'm trying to find a better one but until then just be nice alright?" You said "fine I'm sorry." He said "go apologize to them not me." Then you guys headed back to the table and you apologize for the way you were acting they said it was fine then you guys enjoyed the rest of the night.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating