Luke: you were hangout in your room with this guy with your door open of course Luke wouldn't allow you guys too have the door close this guy was nice your friend set you up with him and it was going well so far you guys watched a movie and talked then he touched your arm you moved away and said "um to soon." He said "come on we know enough about eachother." You said "dude we just meet a couple hours ago I'm not kissing you." You got up but he pulled you back on the bed and said "come on you like me I like you." You said "I don't like you as much as you like me I'm not willing to kiss you and you need to respect that." You got up and he followed you and pulled you close to him you pushed him away and said "we're not kissing and that's final now get out of here." He said "come on I know you want too." Then someone said "dude if she's saying no then take no for a answer Respect her and leave it if you don't respect that then leave." You walked over to Luke he held you protectively the guy said "yfn said you were single?"sierra laughed and went up to the guy and said "she is single we are like family to her and we are asking you to leave if you don't leave we'll get the cops." Then he ran out the door into your friend he said "she's crazy." Your friend said "she's my friend what did you expect." You laughed and then she said "guessing it didn't go well?" You said "it was going fine until he tried to Kiss me." She said "to soon for that." You said "that's what I told him." Then you guys hungout the rest of the night.
Calum: you were at a club with the boys and one direction boys and girls and same with the other girls a guy sat to close to you for your liking you moved away he said "come on babe you're all alone at a club what do you think was going to happen?" You said "I'm not alone my friends and boyfriend are coming right now." The guy looked over and saw the one direction boys and girls and the 5sos boys and girls he laughed and said "please your too poor to hangout with these fools now how about you kiss me and then we leave." He touched your thigh and you got his hand off as he leaned in you moved farther back as he was almost on top of you and you fell into someone's arms you looked up and saw Calum you jumped into his arms he held you protectively the guy said "fine I'll go for that one than." Talking about Maya she said "try me my fiancé will murder you." And crossed her arms in front of her chest As Liam Was eyeing the guy and got in front of her the guy said "you guys are crazy." You said "we may be crazy but we're not stupid and no cheaters here so bye try again you'll get kicked out." Then the guy left Calum said "you ok?" And looked you over you said "yeah I'm fine let's dance." Then you dragged him to the dance floor and enjoyed the rest of the night.
Ashton: you were getting starbucks for you and the guys and girls plus one direction guys and girls you were struggling a guy offered to help you carry the drinks to them you accepted not wanting to be rude he saw the guys and smiled at them and handed them their drinks the guys were not comfortable with this guy you smiled at the guy and said "thank you." He said "no problem you know how to thank me by doing this." He leaned in and tried to kiss you you backed up into someone it was Ashton he said "that's not how you thank someone now leave she appreciated the help we'll take it from here." As he brought you over to the car the guy looked at you once more then left you said "thank you." Ashton said "no problem." Then you guys headed back to the house.
Michael:this guy was hangout with your friend he was a player and you noticed that your friend loved him so they were going out but you hated him cause he kept hitting on you but your friend didn't believe you the boys and girls walked in and same with the one direction boys and girls Amelia goes "well well isn't it the play boy." Your friend said "Amelia that's not nice to say Niall she's being mean to my boyfriend again." Niall said "sorry love but she's right." Your friend looked at you you said "I've been telling you this." She rolled her eyes and said "we're leaving once I get back from the bathroom." You rolled your eyes knowing what she was doing she said "be nice he's a nice guy." You said "no one direction and 5sos are nice guys not this guy." Your friend said "open your eyes and see there are other nice guys out there besides them." You said "I haven't meet any of them." She said "just be nice for 2 seconds while I go pee you have the one direction boys and 5sos boys with you same with their girls you're fine." Then she went to the bathroom you crossed your arms as her boy got closer to you you moved as he moved closer too you kept moving then he leaned in you got up and ran into the kitchen with him following you you hid behind harry you said "leave me alone I don't want to kiss you." Once you said that the boys got in front of you Michael said "you need to leave now." He said "wow your such a baby hiding behind someone your a child and having the others defend you ok." Your friend said "no she's not not when her friend's boyfriend now ex boyfriend tries to kiss her leave now." Then he left your friend said "I'm sorry for not believing you I guess I was to blind to see what he was doing to you." You said "it's ok he's out of your life now." You guys chilled the rest of the day.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating