Luke:(age:11): no one could get you today so you had to take the bus which you hated to do because your bully was on the same bus but you put your headphones in and sat by yourself and stared out the window until the bus full on Collided with another car you guys all gasped everyone was fine the bus driver said "are you guys ok?" And checked on everyone and everyone said yeah they were fine then they said to call your parents to tell them what happened you called Luke since you lived with him and you knew he was going to freak but you told him what happened and he asked you were you where and you told him you guys all had to get off the bus everyone checked you over and you guys were fine but had to wait for another bus that's until Luke pulled up with the boys and girls you ran over to them ignoring the bus driver he caught you and said "you're never going on that bus again you understand me." You nodded the bus driver said "she's free to go." Luke said "thank you." Then you guys drove home and chilled for the rest of the day.
Calum:(age:12): you were fooling around with your friends on the bus when it came to a stop quickly you went into the seat but you were fine you caught yourself before it could be worse your friend gasped you said "I'm fine but why are we stopped?" The bus driver said "is everyone ok we got into a accident?" You guys all said yeah then you guys had to get off the bus and wait for another bus you called calum and told him what was happening little did you know he was there already and saw the whole thing you ran over to him he caught you and picked you up he looked at the bus driver and said "is she free to go and is she ok?" The driver said "yes and yes she's fine no bruises or cuts." Then you guys got into the car and headed home the boys hugged you too you sat next to Michael and crystal she said "you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine just shook that's all." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.
Ashton:(age:13): you were coming back from a felid trip when it crashed into a building you guys were fine but the bus driver not so much the teacher called 911 and you called Ashton telling him what happened he said he was on his way you guys got off the bus and waited for another bus but Ashton was there with the boys and girls your teacher said "you can go with them you're fine." You then headed over to them Ashton hugged you and said "you ok?" And checked you over you said "yeah I'm fine." Then you guys got in the car and headed home you guys just chilled for the rest of the day you were hoping the bus driver was ok turned out she was fine only a little damage to her.
Michael:(age:14): you hated the bus so when you had to be on it and then got into a accident that didn't make you like them at all that made you hate them you called Michael and explained to him when happen and he said that he was there already with the boys and girls the bus driver said you were fine and free to go with them you ran over to them Michael caught you he checked you over to make sure you were fine which you were then you guys headed home you said "I'm never going on a bus again." Crystal said "you won't have to ever don't worry." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating