Luke: you and your friends were getting back from a club you called a Uber thinking nothing about it you guys got in and notice someone in the front and you recognized Sierra right away when you got in the back of the car you said "no way you're not Sierra deaton." She said "that's me are you a fan?" You were speechless your friends said "holy shit so that's Luke Hemings in the front." You said "no shit what the hell!!!" Luke laughed and said "well isn't this a surprise." And turned around and looked at you guys You said "yeah I had no idea this was going to happen oh my gosh you guys probably think I'm crazy." Sierra said "nonsense you seem sweet." You said "thank you." Then you guys talked until it was their stop by the end of the trip you exchanged numbers with Sierra she said "it was nice meeting you girls." You said "it was nice meeting you guys too." Then they left you were on cloud 9 you couldn't believe that just happened.
Ashton: you were working at Starbucks when they walked in but you didn't know it was them until you said "how may I holy mother of kingdom you're 5sos and their girls." You were star struck Ashton chuckled and said "we have a mobile order?" You said "yes of course I'll get it for you right Away." You turned around almost running into your employee they chuckled at you you blushed your co worker just gave you a look then you got their mobile orders Kaykay said "thank you and you seem like amazing girl when do you get off?" You said "thank you and now actually." Kaykay said "we'll wait for you." You were shocked then looked around making sure she was talking to you, you clocked out and went with them this was the best day of your life you couldn't believe this.
Michael: you were walking on your phone when you ran into someone you said "oh my gosh I'm so sorry." It was crystal she said "it's ok you're good." You were star struck and said "are you crystal Leigh?" She said "that's me fan?" You said "um yeah." Then you got a picture with her you said "thank you so much." She said "no problem." And hugged you then you saw the boys coming you were speechless and kaykay and Sierra were with them you were frozen Michael said "hello is crystal making new friends again?" And wrapped his arms around Her,Crystal chuckled you said "no I ran into her by mistake I was on my phone but I was just leaving I just asked her for a picture and that's it but I have to get going it was nice meeting you crystal." Crystal said "wait the boys wouldn't mind taking a picture with you?" You looked at the boys and said "I don't want to be a bother it's fine honestly." Michael said "nonsense we'll do anything for our fans ." You smiled and actually ended up spending the day with them you were over the moon.
Calum: you were waiting for your date that you found on a app you heard someone say "Yn yln." You turned around Recognizing that voice right away and saw the calum hood you said "holy shit you're my blind date?!?! Well not blind cause I found you on a app I thought someone was just cat fishing me I didn't believe it was you."He said "I guess I'm wow you look amazing." You said "wow ok I didn't think this would ever happen and thank you you do too." You guys hugged and then talked the rest of the night and ate you loved every moment of it he said "hey how about you come join me and my friends?" You said "I don't want to be a bother." He said "nonsense they will love you you're amazing." Then you guys headed to Luke's house Sierra said "so you're the girl Cal's been talking too I'm Sierra." You said "nice to meet you and yeah I guess I'm." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the night that was the best night of your life.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating