Luke: you were hangout with the girls having a girls day as the boys were hangout with eachother and having a boys day then Sierra got a call she said "um why is your man calling me?" You look and saw it was calum you rolled your eyes and said "he's not my man you know that." She said "ok love bird." You rolled your eyes and said "just answer." She did she said "hey lover boy what's up?" Then she got quiet she said "wait hold up what happened?" She said as she got up you girls followed her and she grabbed her keys and motioned for you guys to follow she said "we're on our way now thank you for letting me know." Then she hung up and hurried out the door with you girls following you said "what happened?" She said "crystal drive." Throwing crystal the keys she said "what the hell happened?!?!" She said "I can't even say it not wanting to believe it happened but according to calum he said that they were at the studio doing their music and then yn's ex came in with a gun and shot Luke he was going to shoot the others but someone came in and he took off and now their at the hospital." You girls were silent you couldn't breath Sierra was crying and so were you even know you knew you needed to be strong for her but you couldn't help think it's your fault even know it's not your fault but you knew why your ex would do this you wanted to kill your ex now more then ever you were ferous you didn't even notice everyone got out until kaykay said "are you coming?" You snapped out of it and said "yeah I'm coming." Then you guys headed in and saw the boys you ran over to them Sierra said "how is he doing did they tell you guys anything?" Ashton said "they didn't say anything yet." Kaykay handed him a clean shirt since he had blood on the one he was wearing since he used it to stop the bleeding you said "where did that asshole shoot him like what part of his body?" Michael said "in his shoulder and side." You said "I'm going to kill him if I ever see him again he'll be dead." Crystal said "now will killing your ex do you any justice?" You said "because then he can't do anything else Luke's suing him right?" You said looking at the boys Sierra said "hell yeah he is I'm not going to not let him sue him." You said "good." Then the doctor came out and said "he's awake and we got the bullets out he may be sore but that's mostly it everything else should be fine." Sierra said "thank you so much doctor can we see him?" The doctor said "yes you guys can see him." You guys walked in and Sierra launched herself onto the bed he groaned he said "that's one way to know I'm still alive." She laughed and peaked his lips and said "I'm just so grateful you're still here we all are." He smiled and said "I'm happy to be here and you come here." He pointed to you with his good arm you walked over and sat on the bed he said "come closer." You move closer and laid on his chest careful he said "now I know for a fact you're blaming your self but this isn't your fault your ex is just a ass who needs to get over you and himself now if he hurts you tell me alright I'm fine but if he comes near you or contacts you tell me alright." You nodded he kissed your head he held you close you guys stayed like that for the rest of the day.
Michale: you were with the girls at the mall when crystal got a call she said "um tell me why ashton is calling me kaykay and not you?" Kaykay said "I don't know how I'm I suppose to know." Crystal picked up the phone and then went silent she froze and then hung up she said "we need to go now." You said "what happened?" She said "I'll explain In the car but si drive." She gave her keys to her and she got into the drivers seat she said "well we're waiting." She said "the boys were coming to meet us at the mall and then they got into a really bad car accident but it was on purpose the others are fine little cuts and bruises but Michael was driving and he has it bad and it was your fucking ex that did it." She said pointing to you you said "wait what?!?!?! Why the fuck would he do that!!!" Kaykay said "cause he hates them because they took you away from him when they didn't." You sighed and said "I'll kill him if I ever see him." Crystal said "we're suing his ass." You guys arrived at the hospital and got out once it was parked and ran in you guys saw the boys and ran over to them crystal said "anything yet?" Calum said "nothing yet yn come here." You walked over to him and he held you close to him and said "he'll be ok." You nodded then the doctor came out and said "he's alive and well a couple of fractures and deep cuts other than that he's fine." Crystal said "can we see him?" He said "of course." Then you guys walked in well crystal ran almost falling Michael said "crys we don't need you here too." She said "I'm sorry I was just so worried." She peaked his lips he said "I'm fine yn come here." You walked over and sat on the bed he said "come closer." You laid on his chest he said "your ex is a physico and he told me something but I can't tell you knowing you'll freak out but just know we're suing him and you're safe with us alright." You said "ok but what did he say." He said "don't worry about it." Then held you close and kissed your head you stayed like that for the rest of the day.
Ashton: you were at Kaykay and Ashton's house the boys went to get food but that was 2 hours ago and they were still not back yet you girls were getting worried Kaykay said "why is Michael calling me oh no this isn't good." She picked up and said "please tell me fans didn't get you guys." She went silent and got up quickly and threw her keys to you and just mouthed car now you guys all headed to the car she hung up and you said "what happened?" She said "shouldn't you know he probably told you he was going to do this." You said " I don't know what you're talking about." She said "so you're telling me your ex didn't tell you he was going to stab Ashton?!?!" You froze and spaced out until you heard honking forgetting you were driving kaykay said "great you almost got us killed too who's next." Crystal said "kay chill yn doesn't talk to her ex so she had no idea he was going to do this so don't be blaming her for this this isn't her fault this is her ex's fault who she hates now you just made her upset and freaked her out." You came to a halt quickly as you parked the car Kaykay sighed and said "I'm sorry yn I wasn't blaming you I'm sorry I accused you of knowing this when obviously you didn't." She hugged you you said "it's fine I'm more worried about ash right now then anything else." You had tears running down your face you guys walked in Kaykay said "anything?" The boys said "nothing yet." Luke said "yn come here." You ran to him he caught you and hugged you tightly and said "you're ok this isn't your fault you had nothing to do with this your ex is a physico and needs help." The doctor walked out and said "you guys can see him he's awake he needed a couple of stiches and that's it." Kaykay sighed and said "thank you." Then ran in tripping Ashton said "kay we don't need you in here too with me that would put more stress on me." She smiled and peaked his lips and said "I'm just glade you're ok and alive." He saw you and said "come here." You jogged over to him and he dragged you on top of him and said "you're ok and I'm ok this isn't your fault this is your crazy ex's fault who I'm suing by the way." You said "good I'm sorry Kaykay just said something in the car in the heat of the moment that hurt me that's all." He looked at Kaykay and said "what did you say to her?" She looked down at her feet and said "I may have thought she knew her ex was going to do this and I thought she talked to him but then realized she didn't I said sorry she said It was fine and I may have kind of went off on her." He sighed and said "just don't let it happen again alright babe." She nodded he hugged her as you were on top of him just laying there for the rest of the day.
Calum: you were with the girls as the boys were getting snacks and drinks for the movie night you guys were having at yours and Calum's Appartment but you had this bad feeling in your stomach ever since they left to do that which was a hour ago and they were still not back you started to panic thinking something bad happened to them then you got a call from Ashton you held your breath and picked up the phone you said "please tell me you guys are ok so I don't have a panic attack." He said "me and the others are fine accept for calum." You said "what do you mean accept for Calum what happened please tell me." He said "we were walking out of the store when we heard someone yell hey you it was your ex we looked up and he ran straight into calum and knocked him to the ground we tried to get him off of him but he was to strong and beat the living shit out of him and now we're at the hospital with Calum we haven't heard anything yet." As he was telling you all of this you girls were in the car already you said "we're here now." Then you hung up and ran inside with the girls behind you you saw the boys and said "nothing yet gosh damn it these people need to tell us something now and move quick it's a life or death situation." Ashton said "yn relax just breath." He put his hands on your shoulders you breathed in and out slowly he said "come sit next to Michael." You did he pulled you in for a side hug as you cried he said "he's going to be ok." The doctor came out and said "only a couple of cuts and bruises and a broken nose other than that he's fine you guys can go see him." You got up to quickly cause you ended up feeling dizzy and Michael caught you and said "you ok?" You looked at him and said "yeah I'm fine." And took off into Calum's room you ran to him he caught you as he groaned and said "careful of the stomach". You said "I'm sorry I was just so worried about you." You cupped his face he said "I'm ok your ex just needs help." You said "oh yeah he does we're suing him." He smiled and peaked your lips then you guys stayed with him for the rest of the day.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating