BSM: you're Clingy to another boy

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Luke:(age:11): you were spending the day with ashton cause you haven't seen Him in forever and you had a nightmare that you lost him and didn't want it to come true so you were very clingy to him he said "what's up with you?" You said "I had a nightmare that I lost you." He hugged you and said "you'll never lose me don't worry." You smiled happy to always have him he spoiled you then you guys headed back he said "I didn't spoil her that much." Luke looked at the many bags and said "yeah sure it looks like what crystal and Sierra do and Kaykay." You shrug and said "they can't help that I'm just to cute for them." He chuckled then you cuddled with ashton the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:12): they had to go to the studio and you decided to go with them since they were all going and Michael would be there too you didn't want to leave his side you almost lost him the other day he looked at Calum he said "I told you she would do this." He said "I'm fine. Now." You said "yeah I know that I'm just making sure of it." He rolled his eyes and laughed and hugged you and said "oh you love me." You smiled and said "oh I do." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day at the studio.

Michael:(age:13): you were in the park by yourself when you were suppose to be with Calum but didn't see him you started freaking out thinking he left you then you saw him come from the bathroom you ran to him he caught you and said "I just went to the bathroom I told you that but you must have been to busy on your phone." You said "yeah I must of but I'm not leaving your side now." He said "good let's go." Then you guys went to go see the others.

Ashton:(age:14): you ran downstairs and said "where's luke." He walked out of the bathroom you sighed and said "I saw that you died and I completely had a anxiety attack." He said "I'm fine alive and well." You said "good I'm staying with you for the rest of the day." He said "alright." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

BSM/IMAGINES PART 3❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now