Imagine their your new neighbors

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Luke: you noticed someone moving into the house next to you and your oh so fun boyfriend you didn't want to be with him anymore but he wouldn't let you  break up with him or leave the house you looked at your boyfriend passed out on the couch you snuck out the window to go meet the new neighbors you saw 4 boys and 3 girls the girls smiled at you and waved at you you waved back then they went inside putting the boxes they were holding away then they came out and walked over to you one girl said "hi I'm Sierra your new neighbor." You smiled and shook her hand and said "nice to meet you Sierra I'm yn." Then the other introduce their self they asked you if you want to hangout with them you said sure and went to go grab your bathing suit of course you ran into your boyfriend you sighed and said "I'm hangout with new people since all my friends left me because of you you can't be the only person in my life in fact I don't want you in my life." Then he beat you up you got up sore and he wasn't there he must have went to get more alcohol you grabbed a towel and bathing suit not even bothering to redo your make up you took it all off and walked back to where the girls were they gasped crystal said "I knew that guy did something to her that's why she took so long." You said "how did you know it was him?" Kaykay said "he's dating a girl that dated our best friend and was horrible to him we've seen him with her." You said "of course he's cheating good I don't want to be with him I tried breaking things off with him but he won't allow me too." Then you heard someone say "we'll take care of him." You turned around and saw 5sos and 1D you were shocked you said "no I can't asked you guys to do that no that's no I'm not allowing you guys to get hurt for me." Luke said "if he's hurting one of our fans and a lovely girl like you we're going into that house taking your stuff and your living with me and Sierra." You looked at Sierra she said "he's right." And that's what they did when your ex was out you smiled and said "thank you so much I hope this isn't to much." Sierra said "you're welcome and it's totally not we just saved you." Then you saw your ex with arzela you laughed and said "of course it's her their perfect for each other and thank you for saving me." Luke chuckled and said "they work perfectly together and anything for you." Then you guys hung out for the rest of the day you made some new friends that day.

Calum: you were watching from your pouch as you saw the new people move in next door it was 2 guys plus others helping them the girls noticed you and waved at you you smiled and waved back your friend came out and said "ooo who's the hottie next store?" You said "I don't know he looks fimilar but it's not possible." Then you went to go say hi to them you walked over and THE Calum Hood walked out you froze he smiled at you and said "fan?" You nodded you said "and neighbor now I live right next store I'm yn." He shook your hand and said "I'm calum but you knew that already." You laughed and then just talked to him for a bit he said "want to hangout with my friends and I?" You said "I don't want to intrude." Then someone said "nonsense come join we need new people in the group." Then you went in and saw the others they introduced theirselfs you said "nice to meet you guys." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day you knew this was a start of a beautiful friendship and maybe more.

Ashton: you were coming back from Starbucks when you noticed new people moving in next store you stopped and watch as they moved things in then someone said "isn't it a beauty." You looked next to you and saw Kaykay you gasped and said "yeah it is I'm yn your neighbor." Kaykay shook your hand and said "kaykay nice to meet you." You said "nice to meet you too." Then she said "come with me I want you to meet the others." Then she took you over to the others they said nice to meet you and then they asked if you wanted to help and you said sure you helped them move everything in then just hung with them for the rest of the day that was a start of a beautiful friendship.

Michael: you were checking out the new people at the house next to yours they looked nice then the girl came over and said "hi you must be our new neighbor I'm crystal." You gasped knowing who she was right away you said "I'm yn huge fan." She smiled and said "want to meet them?" You said "I don't want to be a bother." She said "nonsense they'll love you." She dragged you into the house it was beautiful she brought you over to the others and introduced you they came over and said nice to meet you then they offered for you to hangout with them you said sure and that was the start of a amazing friendship.

BSM/IMAGINES PART 3❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now