Luke: Luke was in a heated argument with someone you assumed it was Sierra and went down to go and see what was up it wasn't Sierra but he was on the phone and then hung up on the person you said "was that Sierra?" She walked in with the other girls and said "he wasn't talking to me." He said "that was mangement they don't want you hangout with us anymore or living with me and Sierra." You said "they can't do that they can't tell me what to do." Luke said "they think you're a distraction." You said "a distraction why just because some haters attacked me and sent me to the hospital I'm the distraction yeah it's always my fault always me right I'm always the bad guy. You told them it wasn't my fault right." He said "I did I fought for you hard but they aren't listen and don't want any of us to be seen with you." You said "not even the one direction boys or girls?" Luke said " I don't know about them since they're not part of their mangement anymore."Sierra said "they can't do that she's our friend she's like family to us they can't just ban her from hangout with us ever again." Luke said "that's what I told them but they don't listen." You said "you know what if they won't listen to you then I'm going to talk to them I'm not leaving this house and I'm not leaving the only friends I have that care about me." He was going to stop you but you got into the car and drove there you got there and walked in their management said "knew you would show up." You said "you can't do this I'm not ruining them or their career you guys should be thankful for me cause I'm helping them with their career it was the fucking haters that attacked me and caused all the bad rep they were standing up for me and they were defending me." They said "Excatly you caused that and we can't have that." You said "fuck you guys if they were smart they would leave your asses everyone hates you guys anyway I don't give a fuck anymore I'm letting it loose on you guys cause you guys are just assholes and treat your employees like shit. You can't take me away from them I'm their family." They sighed and said "she's right we may be overreacting a little bit but you did too." You said "I had every right to react that way." They said "fine you're still welcome around them." You said "thank you bye." Then you left and headed back home Luke said "what did you say to them?" You said "I gave them a piece of my mind and told them I wasn't leaving and they said fine I could stay." Harry said "you didn't go off on them to bad right?" You said "I don't think so I could have done a lot wrose then I did." Then you chilled with them for the rest of the night not caring that mangement probably hated you now.
Calum: you and Calum have been going out for a couple weeks now and mangement wasn't please and have been trying to get you guys to break up for weeks now and claum wasn't having it here he was again talking to them about it you grabbed the phone and said "listen here you little shits I don't give a fuck if you don't like me yeah I'm a fan doesn't mean I'm going to hurt him you should know I would never do that and I'm not a fucking distraction to him or the boys either they love me and I'm part of their family now weather you guys like it or not I'm not fucking going anywhere and I'm not going to get them into any drama that will just be my drama cause fans are crazy and I would know since I'm a fan now stop trying to get us to break up that won't fucking happen I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him the fans need to understand that too." Then mangement said "ok fine you can stay we know you weren't going anywhere but don't cause trouble." You said "I won't bye dicks." And hung up and handed the phone back to Calum and said "you're welcome." He was speechless he didn't realize you would do such a thing Sierra said "she showed them." You smiled Calum said "remind me not to mess with you ever." You laughed and said "they deserved it." Then you guys chilled the rest of the night.
Michael: mangement didn't want you at Crystal and Michael's wedding and that pissed you off cause they had no control over their wedding you went up to mangement and said "oh hell no you're not kicking me out of this wedding this isn't your wedding you guys don't control this wedding this is Michael and Crystal's special day why do you need to create drama for no reason I'm just here supporting the people I love and support and who is my family and you guys have to come here and be dicks for no reason." They said "but they don't want you here." You said "you're far from wrong they love me and want me here I'm like their sister to them don't ever say they don't want me here ever again they don't want you here so leave." Then their management left Crystal said "you showed them." You said "I was not holding back anymore they crossed the line." Michael said "oh yes they did." Then you guys spent the rest of the night just having fun.
Ashton: they didn't like you cause you ended up in the hospital a couple of times cause you had a eating disorder and you cut yourself but you were better now but they still didn't want you living with him or Kaykay or hangout with any of them and that pissed you off to the max when they came over to have a meeting with them about you you said "how fucking dare you guys say I can't fucking hangout with my brother and his friends like what the fuck I'm family to them I'm Like a sister to them Yeah I have issues so do a lot of other people and so do you guys you guys have way bigger issues then me I'm not different from anyone else and not like they are being put in the hospital it's me it's my life and they have saved me and helped me through so much so you can't not let me see them or else I will be dead." They said "fine we'll let you live with them still and see them." You said "you don't control me or them and what they do in their personal lives leave or in their work life either." They said "you're right we're leaving don't cause anymore trouble." You said "I'm not even causing trouble leave." they left then you chilled with them for the rest of the day Kaykay said "remind me not to mess with you." You laughed then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating