Imagine you see your best friend who stopped being friends with you

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Luke: you and Luke plus the girls and the guys were at the mall you walked into a store and picked out a dress for crystal's wedding a girl goes "that's the perfect dress for you." You looked up and saw your friend who you haven't talked too in a long time you smiled and said "thanks I love it." She said "you're welcome how are you?" You said "good you." She said "good got a job as you can tell." You said "that's awesome congrats." Then she checked you guys out crystal paid your ex friend said "of course she still pays for you one reason why I stopped being your friend." You rolled your eyes crystal said "it's for my wedding of course I'm going to pay for her dress and that's kind of stupid to be honest." Then crystal took the bag and you guys walked out you said "why are people so ugh." Luke said "what happened you guys were only in there for a couple of minutes." You said "yefn was working there and was judging me for letting crystal pay when crystal said it was on her and she didn't care." Luke said "just ignore her she's not wroth it I'll be back." Then he went in you knew what he was going to do you followed to stop him but it was to late he said "listen just because you guys aren't friends anymore doesn't mean you can be rude to her." She said "she's the one using crystal for her money." Luke said "but she's not she has her own money it's for crystal's wedding that's why she paid for it let's going yn." He took your hand and left then you guys shopped the rest of the day.

Calum: you were with the boys and girls at the beach you saw your ex friend with her boyfriend who liked you first but then the guy saw her and went for her instead and she said that she was better than you so you ended the friendship and proved to her that you were better than they were since you found Calum she walked over with the guy too the guy looked nervous and said "why did we come over here these boys probably know what I did to her and what you did to her you really want to get killed?" She rolled her eyes and said "please they wouldn't hurt a fly and she wouldn't either so you have nothing to worry about alright." You said "wow some way to speak to your boyfriend." She rolled her eyes and said "like you speak to yours any better." Than Calum said "she actually does now if you just came over to rub in her face that your boyfriend is better think again look who your dating then look at who she's dating who's winning now." You crossed your arms and smiled she said "well um I'll just be leaving." She walked away with her boyfriend you said "that's what I thought she thought she can out do me but she knew she couldn't." Sierra said "mmm you got that right." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

Ashton: you were with the girls and boys at a water park your ex friend worked there and saw you with them she was shocked and said "how?" You said "called going out in the city getting a picture him and I talking for much longer than the other girls then we went back to the hotel he introduced me to the girls plus the boys and here we are today that's what you've been missing out on." She was shocked that your plan actually worked for once she said "how was I suppose to know this would happen." You said "you didn't but you didn't give it a chance." Kaykay said "she's right now excuse us we're going to have fun." Then you guys went over to the boys Ashton said "what was that all about." You said "my ex best friend being jelous." Calum said "cause you're with us now." You said "yeah." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the day.

Michale: you were with crystal and Sierra and the boys at a amusement park when you saw your ex friend with your current friends you said "thanks for the invite guys." They said "we knew you wouldn't want to come since yefn was going to be with us." You said "I don't hate her so I don't know why you guys would assume that but you know what it's fine cause I got these guys I don't need you guys have fun." Then you walked away with the girls plus the boys Michael said "that went smoother than expected." You said "yeah cause I learned you guys are my true friends not them." Luke said "true that you got us you don't need them." And then gave you a side hug then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

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