Imagine you get into a fight with his ex

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Luke: you and lottie plus the girls and one direction girls where at the mall shopping you guys walked into starbucks and you heard someone say "well well look who we have here?"you turned around and saw arzela and Abby you rolled your eyes and said "what do you need or want?" Abby said "can't we just say hi." And they circled us you said "you're making me nervous." Arzela said "good that's my point." And got close to you you backed away and said "Covid is still a thing don't get to close."she laughed and said "you're a dirty hoe anyways you probably have it anyways." You tighten your fist Sierra said "don't."Squeezing your arm lightly Arezla said "let her I know she won't she to sweet to do such a thing." You said "I would punch you but I don't know where you've been and I don't know if you have it or not so I'm not going to." You grabbed your drink and same with the other then arzela grabbed hers the boys where out there waiting for you guys she came up behind you and you grabbed her drink before she could pour it on you you said "I don't think so sweetie now both of you leave before I call the cops." Abby said "just for bothering you like they'll do shit." You said "oh they will." Then they left you walked over to the boys Luke said "you ok?" You said "yeah she's just a bitch." Luke said "you got that right I'm proud of you for not hurting Her." You said "if Covid wasn't a thing still I would have." He laughed then you guys shopped the rest of the day.

Calum: nia was there with her band at his party she looked you up and down you backed away into Sierra and said "May I help you?" She looked you up and down once more and said "how did you of all people get him?" You said "excused me?" She said "why would he go for you?" You said "jelous much like I thought you were friends with him now?" She said "I'm friends with him but doesn't mean I have to like you." You said "can you at least respect me please?" She said "maybe. I was just asking how he could go for you." Kaykay said "maybe because she's a sweet caring person it's not all about the looks even know she's gorgeous." She said "I'm too and I know that." You said "not right now you're not now please leave." She left with her band cal came over and said "what was that about?" You said "I don't even know she just kept asking how you could go for a girl like me like the fuck is that suppose to mean like I ain't ugly." Calum said "just ignore her babe she's just jelous it's not you she's jelous of you that's all you're beautiful and so down to earth I love you so much." You smiled and hugged him you were so happy to have a guy like him in your life.

Ashton: Bryanna was hanging out with crystal and said "oh you're still around". You said "yeah I live with them." She said "oh I thought you moved back home." You said "nope I would never I have a life here now." She said"but no boyfriend still?" You said "so why does that matter Ashton won't let any guy near me." Bryanna said "accept for my best friends fiancé." And showed a picture of you and Michael you rolled your eyes and said "we're friends he needed help picking out a gift for crystal." Bryanna said "that's not what she thinks." You looked at crystal and said "oh really?"crystal said "I know you guys are friends so I don't know what she's talking about." You looked back at Bryanna she said "well I'll be going nice seeing you again yn." You said "nice see you again too Bryanna." And she was out as the boys walked in Ashton said "was crystal hangout with her?" You said "yeah you really think I would hangout with that bitch no she treats me horribly." Crystal said "I don't get why." You said "the world will never know." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

Michale: crystal and you were watching a movie with the other girls when abby walked in and said "oh didn't know you bitchs would be here?" You said "um we're the bitches yeah right who's the one that lies all the time certainly not us and who's the one that just walked right in here like she owns this place not us." She rolled her eyes and grabbed what she needed which was something she forgot there many years ago that she aparently cared about now she said "well at least I have someone." You said "I do too I have these girls and the boys." As the boys and one direction boys and girls walked in Abby looked at them and said "I was just leaving she's the one that came at me." You said "are you serouis right now you're the one that walked in here and called us bitches and then said I had no one so you can leave and stop playing the victim card." She rolled her eyes and said "whatever have fun loser doing nothing with your life." You rolled your eyes and said "that's you not me." She rolled her eyes once more and left Michael said "she's so lovley isn't she." You laughed and so did the others thank gosh she was out of his life she was awful.

BSM/IMAGINES PART 3❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now