Luke:(age:12): you never loved your body so you took it into your own hands and started burning yourself not thinking it was as bad as cutting but then you began to realize it was just as bad so you stopped but of course the scars were still there. You were chilling on the couch with the boys Ashton saw your scars you tried to hide them but it was to late you said "I don't do it anymore I realized it was just as bad as cutting." The boys and girls gave you werid looks luke said "what the hell are you talking about?" You said "I use to burn myself cause I didn't like my body but now I learned to love it and I stopped burning myself." Luke said "good cause you're beautiful and perfect the way you are don't let other people tell you other wise." You nodded then you guys chatted the rest of the night.
Calum:(age:13): you accidentally burned yourself pretty bad Calum saw and said "how did you do that?" You said "by turning on hot water and didn't realize that it was that hot so I jumped in and burned myself but I'm ok." Sierra said "you're lucky you jumped out in time or that could have ended badly." You said "yeah I was smart enough to get out in time so it wasn't as bad as it could have been." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the night.
Michale:(age:14): you were fooling around with your friends and accidentally put your finger on a candle and burned it Michael saw and said "are you ok idot?" You laughed and said "yeah I'm fine clown." He chuckle and said "I had a reason to call you that." You laughed and said "I did too but I'm fine." Then you guys just talked th rest of the night.
Ashton:(age:15): you were cooking food for yourself and ended up burning yourself but not that bad ashton and the boys and girls came home Kaykay said "what happened?" You said "food happened I was cooking it and then I burned myself but I'm fine it wasn't as bad as it could have been." Ashton said "you're lucky this time just be more careful." You said "will do." Then you guys just chilled the rest of the night.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating