Imagine you see them after you break up but then get back together

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Luke: you lived with Luke and Sierra so you saw Calum every day of your life since he was Luke's band mate and best friend and everytime he would come over your heart would melt and he never found anyone and neither have you you were just staring at him as he talked to Ashton Sierra came over to you and said "you still love him." And wrapped her arms around your shoulders You said "I do but I don't know if he does." He looked at you as you were looking at him and smiled and you did the same and said "I think he still loves me or maybe he was just being friendly but I think he still loves me." Just staring at him Sierra gave you a little shove towards Him you looked at her and she said "you got this I know you want him back." You walked over to him as Ashton left you smiled and said "hi." He said "hey." You said"I'm just going to come out and say this I still love you so much my heart goes crazy when I see you still and I really want to get back together with you but don't know if you..." he cut you off from your rant and kissed your lips you pulled into him as he put his hand on your waist you pulled away and just put your foreheads together you breathed so did he and he said "I love you so much And yes this means I'm taking you back and never ever letting you go again." You didn't even remember why you left him cause you still had so much love to give him you were so happy you guys got back together you hugged him tightly never wanting to let him go Luke smiled and same with the others knowing it was going to happen you couldn't stop smiling you were so happy you didn't leave him for the rest of the night.

Ashton: (this one will be harry styles): ever since you two decided to be friends you wanted him back so bad  but you didn't know if he wanted the same you haven't seen him in months until he came back for a movie and started spending time with Ashton and Kaykay plus the boys kaykay said "you want him back." You said "so bad but I don't know if he does." You sighed he saw you looking upset he walked over Ashton watched him same with the others you smiled he sat next to you as kaykay left he said "hey." And smiled at you you smiled back and said "hey." He said "listen I know we agreed to be friends but I really want to be more than friends again you make me so..." you cut him off with a kiss on the lips everyone cheered you blushed and hid in his chest he pulled you in and kissed your head and  said "I missed this so much." You smiled and said "I did too." Then you guys chilled the rest of the night.

Calum: you were best friends with Michael and you loved Calum and never stopped you guys broke up because of tour didn't think you guys could do it but you wanted him back now since their back and you miss him so much your heart was ready to bursted when you saw him he saw you and ran to you and hugged you tightly you did the same he put you down and peaked your lips then pulled away and said "I need you in my life forever and you can tell me if this is to soon or not but I love you so much you're my everything and I never want to let you go again so will you please do me the honor and be my wife?" He got down on one knee you gasped and were crying happy tears at this point you said "yes a thousand times yes I never want you to leave me again ever I want to spend the rest of my life with you too!!!" He put the ring on your finger you jumped into his arms and kissed him you smiled into the kiss as everyone was cheering you were the happiest girl alive you didn't want to ever leave his arms.

Michael:(this one won't be any of them): you were watching as your old boyfriend who still had feelings for you and so did you he walked over to you and said"hey I'm going to say this right now and here I'm still in love with you will you please be my girl again?" You looked at the others Michael said "he was really good to you and I know you want our approval and we loved him and know you still do so go for it." You smiled and said "yes I'll take you back." He smiled happy you took him back you were so happy that you were back together with him.

BSM/IMAGINES PART 3❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now