Luke: you were beyond piss these girls thought they could get away with treating Luke and Sierra like this boy were they wrong you stomped outside past the boys and went straight after these girls and said "get the fuck out of here now and never come back or I will do wrose than this!!!" You were punching her over and over again until the boys pulled you off of her the girl said "she's insane she started attacking me for no reason I was just standing out here doing nothing just minding my own business." You said "I'm not the one breaking into other people's shit that's you not me!!!" She said "I didn't attack you like you just did to me and that wasn't me that broke into their shit other people did that not me!!!" The boys brought you in Sierra said "we appreciate that you are defending us but don't hurt the girl next time." You said "she deserved it." Luke said "she's right but you shouldn't have done it still that's not how you were raised." While cleaning your hand you said "I'm sorry she just pissed me off that much." Luke said "we understand." Then you went to bed exhausted from beating the shit out of her.
Michael: you stomped out of the house and attacked the girls that were out there you didn't care they need to learn their lesson you said "now will you listen to them?!?!? Huh!!!" The girls pulled you away from her as you tried to go after her again the girl said "you're mental like what the fuck!!!" You said "you're the one messing with my friends and the people I love you don't get to mess with them without getting messed up in the process I will always defend them!!!"Then the girl ran the girls took you inside as the boys cleaned up your hands Michael said "we appreciate you defending us but don't hurt her next time you could have gotten arrested." You said "I know she just got under my skin you know I did it for you guys." Crystal said "we know but next time just try talking to her." You said "alright." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.
Calum: you ran out of the house and pounced on this girl as the boys pulled you away from her you said "that's what happen when you mess with my friends and boyfriend!!!" She said "this is why I said that about you cause it's true like the fuck!!!" You wanted to go after her again but the boys didn't let you the girls said to the girl "just leave you've done enough damage what more do you want from her we will call the cops if you don't leave." She said "she's the one that attacked me but I'm the one getting in trouble wow I see how it is I'll always be the bad guy!!!" You said "cause you're the one that was talking shit first so you started this war and yeah you are the bad guy!!!" Then she left the boys brought you in and cleaned you up you said "I'm sorry I'm very protective over you guys and myself I wasn't going to let that girl do that or say that." Calum said "and that's why we love you just please next time don't hurt the girl." You said "no promises." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the night and watched movies.
Ashton:you were drunk but people online where pissing you off and you knew the girls outside your house was also saying shit so you just ran out the door and beat the shit out of them the boys dragged you off of them you said "that's what happens when you mess with them!!!" They said "you're so wasted right now you won't even remember any of this!!! You're such a drunk beating up on teenagers like the hell!!!" You said "hell no I'm not you guys need to leave them the fuck alone and stop saying shit about them and me ok you guys are the mental ones here!!" Then they left they brought you in and cleaned your hands ashton said "thank you for defending us but don't hurt the girls next time." You said "I'll try I'm just protective over you." He said "I know you are that's why we love you." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating