Luke: You got bullied in school so you took it into your own hands and you felt so gulity cause the whole time you were thinking what would Ashton think of this even know you didn't know him you still didn't want him to be upset with you if you ever met him and he saw your scars so you turned to burning yourself but knew he wouldn't approve of that either so you just stopped completely as of now you were in the bathroom on the best night of your life or what should have been until your bullies showed up you were crying and really wanted to do something to yourself but couldn't then you heard a voice you knew right away say "hey are you ok?" You turned around and saw sierra and crystal and Kaykay you couldn't breath but nodded Kaykay said "she's toally not ok want to talk about it?" You said "I don't want to bother you it's whatever it's not that big of a deal." You started to leave sierra stopped you and said "come with us we don't mind,you're not bothering us we asked you." You smiled and went with them you couldn't believe this was happening the boys were sound checking so it was just you and them they kind of made you feel like they were your friends but you shook it off cause you were just a stupid fangirl so why would they want to be friends with you. You looked down at your feet kaykay said "explain. tonight is suppose to be a amazing night why are you upset?" You said "I don't know." You looked at your wrist they noticed crystal took your arms you looked into her beautiful eyes she said "why?" You said "they're old I don't do it anymore cause of Ashton actually cause I felt gulity for doing it and I told myself if I've ever met them I wouldn't want him to be upset but now I just upset you guys and them more cause of my scars I'm sorry I'm such a mess I should leave you guys don't even care." You got up but you ran into a tall man you looked up with tears running down your cheeks it was luke you wipped your tears he just hugged you tightly and brought you over to the couch and held you and sat with you he said "we care a lot about you you are family you got us where we are today without you we wouldn't be here you saved us just like we saved you." You said "you guys truly did cause I get bullied that's why I was crying in the bathroom and ended up back here." Ashton said "I'm proud of you for stopping this the scars just show how brave you are." you smiled they handed you a backstage passes so you could stay with them for the night and so security wouldn't hassle you they didn't want anyone to hurt you anymore you enjoyed the show and you and the girls became so close they where your new best friends that you've never had you were the happiest you've ever been.
Ashton: you were working at starbucks and the main girls that cause you to go into a depression because of the things they say were there all you wanted to do was run to the bathroom and cry and cut that's the only thing you wanted to do right now but no you had to put on a brave face and act like their words don't affect you you were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice someone was in front of you she said "you ok?" You snapped out of it and saw kaykay crystal and sierra you noticed the boys outside you were speechless you said "umm yeah I'm fine it's nothing what would you girls like?" Then the main girl came over and said "you should know by now they're here every other day or every day." You said "oh right I know I'm just use to asking people that." The girl rolled her eyes and handed them their drinks kaykay said "when are you off?" You said "now." She said "come sit with us. and tell us what that was all about." You said "it was nothing honestly just her being her nothing new." Sierra said "sure didn't look like nothing to me." You sighed knowing she was right then you got yourself a drink and clocked out you put your aprean back the main girl said "hope you never come back spaz we don't want you here anymore." Crystal was about to say something you said "it's fine I'm use to it." Then Ashton said "you shouldn't be use to being treated that way that's no way to treat anyone." you said "I know but I need this job so I can't just quit I don't have all the money in the world like you guys and I need the money to spend on you guys." Ashton said "how about you work for us?" You were shocked this was your dream job you said "no I don't want to be a bother that's to much." he said "you won't be you're already hired." You smiled and hugged him and thanked him you notice kaykay not saying much and noticed your wrist you said "shit I forgot to cover those their nothing." Kaykay said "it's because of them right?" Pointing to your now ex co workers you nodded she went over to them you didn't stop her she said "listen here you little pricks she's not working here anymore she's working with these beautiful men who will treat her like a human unlike you guys who treat her like a piece of trash how dare you trash a beautiful girl like her unbelievable and she quit because of you guys hope you guys are happy now and you guys made her turn to bad things hope your happy with yourself." The girls were shocked,Then she left the girls were speechless she said "ok let's go." You smiled and said "thank you for that." She said "no problem no one messes with my friends." You smiled happy to have met them and happy that they considered you as a friend that was the day your depression was solved.
Calum: You were heading back to the meet and greet you saw the girls and waved at them they waved back but stopped once they noticed your legs and wrist you looked at what they were looking you sighed and gave them a thumbs up they shook their head and motion for you to go over you looked at security they said "you have permission." you walked over crystal said "girl why?" You said "cause their to fat and my arms are to fat too." little did you know the boys heard this calum said "that's far from true." You looked at him and said "but they are." Sierra said "but their not love you're gorgeous the way you are and to me you look under weight." You looked down at your feet Crystal said "can you please just start eating for us and stop cutting for us?" You looked at them you nodded they gave you a group hugged you smiled sierra said "spend the rest of the time with us." You said "really!?!?" calum said "yes really." You smiled today was the best day of your life.
Michale: You were running home from your ex boyfriend's house he was horrible to you so you broke up with him but he got pissed you were running not pay attention when you ran into someone they said "holy shit your coming home with me I know you don't know me but you need people with you right now." you looked up and saw crystal kaykay and sierra you said "no I'm ok honesty it's not that big of a deal." Kaykay said "no you're not come with us we'll help you." You guys headed to michael and crystal's house the boys were there and said "helping strangers now." Crystal said "I know her name." she looked at you you said "yn." she said "this is yn and she needs help." The girls helped you get cleaned up and changed they said "explain what happened?" You said "my ex." Michael said "a guy did all this to you?!?!?" You nodded he was pissed crystal said "at least she's not with him anymore." Looking at you hoping you weren't You nodded then you spent the rest of the night with them a bad night turned out into amazing night at the end of the night.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating