Bonus: Legends Never Die

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Dedicated to the parts of me I lost, and to the parts of me that are going to push forward.

Claude still thought about them every now and then.

How could he not? After all, while the war had happened seemingly so long ago, it had actually
been less than a decade. The war hadn't just taken random faces, it had also taken people and friends away from Claude himself. That was the inevitable truth, and it was one that would haunt Claude forever.

As he stood in front of the Garreg Mach Monastery's cemetery, he could only think about the old friends he had lost. Certainly, none of their bodies had been buried here; Claude was unfortunately sure that no one in the war had gotten the proper burial services. Instead, they had enacted a more general monument to address anyone who had fallen in the war in general. Claude could still remember the way Bernadetta had fallen to Lysithea's purple magic, how Dimitri had been unceremoniously killed off by Edelgard's forces, how his Teach had brutally murdered Edelgard after witnessing his own death. That was only the half of it, too. So many more lives had been lost...their stories stopped.

Who knows where Bernadetta could have gone without her loyalty to the Empire? Perhaps she finally could have broken out of her shell and found peace within herself.

Maybe Dimitri could have learned to atone and forgive himself to start working toward a more stable life.

What if Edelgard could have pushed past her stubbornness and worked peacefully with the Alliance? Would she be here with them, alive and well?

There was really no use wondering about it, considering their lives and stories had already ended. Their souls had been laid to rest whether they liked it or not. But Claude still wished it didn't end like that. There was nothing more he could have done, but even so...

"...I think about it too."

A girl from the Black Eagles, the same age as Claude, approached him with a somber look on her face. She was darker skinned, though not the same shade as him. She looked as if she was from Brigid, with a skin tone as rich as chocolate and purple hair flowing loosely around her. She wore a simple dress as she approached him. Claude couldn't quite remember her as she hadn't joined their army, but he did remember her name; Janelle Torres.

What was she doing here all of a sudden?

He knew she didn't work at the monastery...

"Pardon. I did not mean to interrupt you. It is just that..." Janelle swallowed the lump in her throat. "I lost all three of my best friends in the war. Only one of them was buried here. She tried to defend the monastery when it first fell..."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Claude said sincerely. So many people had suffered... "The war took so many from us. I think it's important not to forget."

"That is the thing. Everyday, I feel as if I forget them more and more," Janelle admitted. "I do not wish to forget them, but..."

"I know what you mean when you say that..."

"Perhaps I can offer my assistance."

Teach suddenly appeared by them, a soft look on her face. Claude wasn't sure how she found them, but he certainly wasn't complaining. She placed a hand on Janelle's shoulder.

"Can you recall the little things?" Teach suggested. "I can start to try and help you. Edelgard had this very refined air around her, and the way she twirled her axe was very specific to her. She always had this look on her face, one that never left unless she was surprised. It was the look of steely determination."

"...Dimitri and I didn't spend too much time together, but I do remember the way he fights," Claude added to encourage Janelle. "He was quick, like a windstorm. He fought with such strength and ferociousness, even when he hadn't been lost to madness. He was dorky as a young prince, if I'm being honest. He didn't quite understand my jokes, mostly because of his honorable nature. He had always wanted to see things from that way..."

"...I guess I can remember stuff like that," Janelle said quietly. "...Lyra was a mess, if I am being honest. But she was the leader of our team, and a good one at that. She always had this insincere smile on her face, but the best times I remember were when her eyes lit up and dimples grew on her cheeks. That is when I knew she was...acting real. Nico...Nico was quiet, and perhaps a little shy, but she always fought to protect her friends and she was loyal to everyone. Her cheeks were always red, mostly because of Lyra's teasing...her brow would always furrow in denial. Lastly, Tanya...Oh, Tanya was something else...she was a mess, a hyperactive  child...but she was also my best friend. She keptme grounded. She used to jump up and down so excitedly, and...and..."

She couldn't continue as tears began to flow down her face. Teach pulled the girl into a hug to try and soothe her while Claude remained silent and focused on the monument.

So many lives had been lost, and it all could have been prevented if Edelgard had just been willing to talk things through or if Rhea hadn't held such an iron grip on the church...

Yet, he didn't blame either of them. Both of them had their reasons, and while he couldn't say he agreed with their decisions, he understood why they held onto their plans so fervently. Rhea was no longer in power and was allowed to live out the rest of her life, but Edelgard had been killed for what she had done. Ultimately, her war failed, and many lives had been lost.

At least he couldn't say it was for no reason.

After all, Fódlan had become unified and prospered as a better place. Without crests and discrimination, Fódlan was full of peace. That was worth it. That made everything worth it.

Claude could hear the gentle whispers of his Teach speaking as well as the soft cries from Janelle. After awhile, he could hear footsteps when his Teach grasped his hand. It was just them now.

"Are you alright, Claude?"

"I mean, I'm standing here when they're not," Claude shrugged. "But...yeah, I'm okay. We fought for what was right, but...I'll never forget them. The lives we could have saved..."

"It wasn't your fault," She replied. "They chose to fight, knowing they might die. You did all that you could."

"I know."

"...I still think that maybe...maybe if I hadn't been so hasty, we could have spared Edelgard," His Teach admitted quietly. "After all these years, I've managed to forgive her know. She was just doing what she thought was right. I prevented her from doing it, so I didn't have to kill her...she could have had the chance to atone..."

"Yeah," Claude couldn't argue with that whatsoever. "But I don't think she was going to give in, Teach. No matter if we spared her, she would have just risen again with her own army and the same ideals. There's really no use thinking about what we can't change, I guess."

"You're right. I'm...glad you're standing here with me," She grasped his hand tighter. "I don't know what I would have done without you. I doubt I could have faced everyone's deaths without your help."

"Right back at you, Teach. I'm glad that you'll always be with me."

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