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"Professor, I believe you're pregnant."

"You think I'm...what?" Byleth felt her eyes widen in complete shock. Out of all of the things she could have guessed, it never would have been pregnancy. "I'm sorry, I-"

"You tested positive for this," Manuela smiled, gesturing to the pregnancy test. "Congratulations, Professor. But my, my! You and Claude just-"

"I'm pregnant??" Byleth still couldn't comprehend the mere notion, clutching at her chest in utter shock. "I'm...I'm going to have a child...? Oh, Claude! I've got to tell Claude right now."

"Er...How are you going to do that?" Manuela reminded her gently. "He's in Almyra..."

"I'll send a messenger," Byleth declared in a matter of fact fashion. "Someone will make the trip, it's a Queen's order. Claude...Claude and I are going to be parents..."

"Are you excited or surprised..? I honestly can't tell."

"Both!" Byleth blurted, immediately covering her mouth with her hands. She sighed, trying to calm herself down. "I mean...both. I just didn't expect this at all. I mean, I never thought I'd be able to fall in love, much less have a child..."

"Well, congratulations Professor," Manuela grinned. "You did both. But really, how is it fair that you manage to do both while I can barely keep a boyfriend!?"

Now, Byleth sat in the Golden Deer classroom, still shocked. The memory replayed in her head hundreds of times, but it didn't change the fact that it was still true.

Byleth was pregnant.

Just the thought made Byleth's head spin. So that's why she had been nauseous all of a sudden! She was going to have a child, a little baby. One that would share her and Claude's traits. She wondered if they would be a scheming little sword-master, or a teaching archer. It didn't matter; Byleth would love them all the same.

Yet...she still hadn't told her Deer.

Why? Not because she didn't trust them, but because she was just nervous for herself. What if they were all...disgusted? No one had blamed her for falling in love with him, but Byleth was still technically their professor. Was it weird for falling in love with a student?

Well, Byleth didn't care. She loved Claude, student and all. Byleth greeted her Deer as they walked into the room. Once everyone had made it in, she stood and clapped her hands.

"So, hey everyone," Byleth greeted, nervously laughing. She felt really awkward, and she shifted from side to side. "I've got some exciting news for everyone..."

"Are we having a feast?" Raphael asked excitedly. Byleth chuckled softly, shaking her head from side to side.

"No...but I suppose we could," Byleth mused after seeing Raphael's dejected expression.


"So, what's the news, Professor?" Lysithea asked, a look of uncertainty on her pale face. "Nothing bad, right?"

"I said it was exciting!" Byleth ran a hand through her minty hair, surprised that her Deer had all gotten different meanings from her few words. "Ah, okay. Well, I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer so..."

Byleth took a deep breath, smiling softly. All her Deer continued to stare, their attention fully on her.

"...I'm pregnant."

An awkward beat passed.

"You're PREGNANT!?" Hilda screeched after recovering from her shock, jumping up and down in excitement. She ran up to Byleth, enveloping her in a tight hug. "Wow, wow, wow! Professor, you're pregnant! We're going to have a mini Claudeleth running around!!"

"Yes-wait, Claudeleth?" Byleth furrowed her brow in confusion, and the Golden Deer exchanged guilty and amused looks.

"It's what we all called you guys when you got together," Ignatz was the first to break under the pressure of Byleth's stare, making everyone groan out. "Sorry everyone..."

"It's alright. Besides, look at the Professor," Leonie pointed out heartily, chuckling at Byleth's amused expression. "She likes it."

"A little Claudeleth...yes, if that's what you want to call it," Byleth nodded. "But yes, I'm pregnant."

"Congratulations, Professor," Marianne smiled warmly. "I'm so happy for you."

"Indeed," Lorenz chimed in, placing a hand on Marianne's shoulder. Byleth had watched those two grow; he had really brought Marianne out of her shell. "If you need any help, Professor, just ask us. We'll be here for you."

"Of course we will!" Dorothea agreed, flipping her brunette hair over her shoulder. "Whatever you need, we'll be here for."

"Good. I'll be counting on all of you."

"Don't forget to take it easy, though," Hilda reminded her sternly, crossing her arms in a fuss. "I know you don't like taking a break, but your child is depending on your health now!"

"She's right," Ingrid nodded. "We'll be making sure you stay fit...but we'll also make sure you're not over working yourself. Right, Sylvain?"

"Of course!" He winked, using a hand to flip his fiery red hair. "You'll be alright in our care."

"If anything, I think I'm more worried now," Byleth chuckled. Upon watching Sylvain pout, Byleth quickly shook her head. "I'm joking. I trust you all."

"I am the glad to be seeing your excitement," Petra nodded ecstatically, but she then frowned sadly. "I will be in Brigid, probably. But I will come visit when it is the time."

"Good. I'm going to need all my Deer here when I'm giving birth."

"Of course, Professor!"

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