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Claude was a merciful man, but upon seeing the
ferocious and bloodthirsty man beneath him, Claude wouldn't exactly feel bad if the guy was indeed executed.

Basir Ayad had put up quite a fight. Like most Almyrans, he was a wyvern riding axe wielder that fought recklessly and bravely. However, he was no match for Claude and Nader. They weren't known as the Master Tactician and the Undefeated for nothing.

It was simple, really. Claude had surrounded Basir's base with a bunch of archers, forcing Basir to stay grounded if he wanted to come out and fight. Of course, Basir couldn't resist a challenge.

He took the bait, swarming the outside with his men. That was when Claude struck; he swooped down from the sky, shooting perfectly aimed arrows at his enemies. He struck wings and limbs, but never anywhere fatal. Skye corkscrewed to avoid the blow, and Claude remembered holding on for dear life.

From then on, it had gone simply. Nader had rushed in, and Claude dashed in to knock Basir off of his wyvern. Now, the wounded dark haired warrior lay underneath Claude's sharp sword of Begalta, a furious look on his face.

"Do it," Basir hissed, sweat dripping down his face. He tried to lunge for Claude's sword, but Claude merely moved it out of the way and slammed his foot down onto Basir's chest. The warrior choked, but tried to remain strong. "I don't fear death!"

"...I know you don't," Claude said in disgust, remembering how many had been slaughtered by Basir's antics. How had the king never noticed? "But I'd much rather have you live out your days in a prison cell than be granted the sweet release of death."

"The king won't stand for this! Once the others hear of this, your little rebellion will be over!" Basir grunted as Nader restrained him. "You, Nader, are a traitor! To think you were ever disobey the people who made you strong! Just wait!"

"I'm following our future king," Nader snarled, forcing Basir to stand. "Idiot. Your reign of terror is over, Basir."

"Once I get free, I'm going to take everything you've ever loved!" Basir growled as he was dragged away by the other soldiers. His words sent a chill through Claude's spine as he watched Basir pensively. "Just you wait!"

Claude watched as Basir was pulled away harshly, and Nader placed a hand on his shoulder. Claude hadn't realized that he had been holding his breath until he let out a long sigh. Meanwhile, Basir's soldiers were being healed and restrained. Some of them looked furious, but others actually looked relieved. It seemed as if things were going to plan just as Claude had planned. Even still, Basir's words had shook him to the core.

"...He wouldn't even be able to hurt Trach if he tried," Claude mused, sheathing his heroic and shiny sword. "Teach is safe and sound. She's ferocious enough to stop anyone who tried to go after her.."

"Damn right," Basir nodded, flipping his axe in one hand. "He's just trying to get in your head. Besides, he won't be leaving a cell for a long time."

"Yeah," Claude agreed, but now his thoughts were directed toward his Teach again. Her overt eagerness to fight would be loved in Almyra. An idea popped into his mind, and he jumped onto a platform so that everyone could see him. "Everyone!"

The soldiers all glanced upward, immediately directing their attention towards Claude. The only exception were the medics, who thankfully continued their work, but Claude knew they were still listening.

"This is just one small step," Claude announced, a grin on his face. "We'll continue to strike out like this. When I regain the throne, I will be joined with someone quite...special to me. I know this may sound crazy, but she's from Fódlan."

The people looked confused and slightly disgusted at his words, but they allowed him to continue speaking.

"I know, I know," Claude sighed, running a gloved hand through his dark hair. "It sounds crazy. But I just came from Fódlan, remember? Our problems have solved because Fódlan has remained isolationist. We're trying to change that. But I need you all to help me...and be open to others. To change how outsiders are treated. Haven't many of you been discriminated for being Almyran?"

Everyone nodded.

"Well, we should treat people just as we want to be treated," Claude reminded everyone. "If we expect to be respected..then we should be respecting as well. It's not just Fódlan's fault, it's ours as well. Understood?"

Everyone nodded again, somewhat less excited than they had been previously. Claude frowned, dissatisfied.

"...This...this special person is the Queen of Fódlan," Claude revealed. "I will need you all to remain open minded. Okay? I can't be a king who will free you all if you cannot respect my love."

"We just need time," Someone shouted. "Just...Just time to adjust."

Well, Claude couldn't argue with that. He nodded, and turned back to Nader. The Queen of Fódlan...
Well, Archbishop/Queen, but same thing. She was the most powerful person in Fódlan right now, and she was doing her best.

Just as Claude needed to.

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