Conflicting Priorities

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"Claude, I've got some good news!"

Nader dismounted his wyvern, waving something in his hand. He'd been traveling for the past day around Almyra, and was just now coming back in the afternoon. Claude glanced up, waiting for him to go on.

"Yeah? What is it?" Claude prompted after Nader only grinned. Nader handed the letter to him, and Claude took it with slight suspicion. To my beloved Claude. Claude felt a smile grow on his features. "No way, Nader. How did you-?"

"Seems your Professor sent a messenger," Nader shrugged. He hadn't opened up the letter, he was respectful of Claude's privacy. "Something must be pretty important."

Claude raised his brow, carefully opening the letter. Nader watched him, not looking over his shoulder much to Claude's relief.

Dear my love...

I...I'm actually shaking while I'm writing this. I don't know how you're going to react. I'm scared and I wish you were here...but I'm also so excited. I miss you...I hope you're done soon.

I...Um...I don't know how to say this. I love you so much, Claude. I just wasn't expecting this.

Fódlan is okay, by the way. I introduced the idea of removing the nobility, and I think they're starting to agree with me. All of the Golden Deer have been helping me recently...and I'm going to need them.

Sorry, I got sidetracked. I'm really nervous right now, my foot won't stop tapping on the ground. I think Sothis would be yelling at me if she was still here. Ah....Okay, Claude, I'm just going to come out and say it. I'm gonna just say it!

Claude...I'm pregnant.

Claude immediately stopped reading, his verdant eyes widening into round bulbs from shock. He dropped the letter to the ground, running his hands through his hair, utterly flabbergasted.  Nader frowned, confused.

"Claude, what's wrong?"

Claude couldn't respond, a ghost of a nervous smile growing on his face. He continued to run his hands through his hair again and again, sinking to the ground. He was turning pale as his eyes only continued to grow wide.


"She's pregnant," Claude uttered quietly, pulling at his hair nervously. He looked excited for a brief moment...and then immediately began to panic again. "She's pregnant!...she's pregnant, and I'm not there! What am I doing here, I have to go-"

"Whoa, Claude," Nader frowned as the man in front of him scrambled to his feet. The usually composed and teasing man was reduced to a stumbling mess. "What do you mean you have to go-"

"I'm going to be a father!" Claude exclaimed, dropping his hands to the ground. His hair was sticking all over the place instead of slicked down like recently. "I'm going to be a father. Teach needs me. I've got to go. What am I doing here!?"

"Slow down!" Nader ordered, placing his hands on Claude's shoulders firmly. The future king stopped, staring at Nader in absolute surprise. "Claude, I know you're excited..or whatever this is...But you can't leave."

"I have to! I'll come back, I will, but my Teach-"

"Your Teach will be there once you come back," Nader reassured him. "Calm. Down. We're almost done. You know Almyra is stabilizing soon. There's only a couple of things left to do. Just hold on, I promise we'll be back soon."

"But-But I'm going to be a father!" Claude panicked, fidgeting with his feet. "Nader, what kind of person am I?! I left her in Fódlan, and she's pregnant...what is wrong with me!? I'm terrible. I can make it up now, I can-"

"Claude, take a deep breath," Nader instructed, squeezing the boy's shoulders. Claude complied, although he still looked lost and confused. Once Claude had calmed down slightly, Nader tried to reassure him. "Your Professor will still be there. I promise. Just hold on. As long as you're there when the baby comes, I don't think your Professor will hold anything against you. Think about Almyra. This was what you've wanted your whole life. Just a little longer, and you can go back. Okay?"

"...I'm scared," Claude confessed softly, looking extremely disheveled and fearful. "I'm scared, but I'm happy...and I'm nervous...I'm...I don't know."

"I think it's natural to be confused," Nader chuckled lightly. He reached down, picking the letter up off of the ground. "It's going to be okay, Claude. You're going to make a great father...and your Professor will make a great mother. Here...why don't you finish this?"

Claude eyed the letter before cautiously taking it from Nader's hands. An aggregate of emotions swarmed his entire being, and he still felt terrible about not being there for his Teach.

I wrote to you as soon as I found out, I promise. I've been experiencing morning sickness, according to Manuela. I haven't told anyone yet besides you. I'll probably tell them tomorrow. I'm so nervous, Claude. But I'm also really happy. I don't know, honestly.

Claude chuckled softly. It was good to know he wasn't the only one experiencing such strong emotion.

Now, Claude...I know that as soon as you read this, you'll want to come over. But you need to finish your mission first. It hurts me to say it, but I can't be happy until I know that your goals are accomplished. So hurry in Almyra...and then you can come home. I promise I can hold out until you come back, so don't worry.

I love you, Claude. Stay strong. We'll only be apart for awhile longer.

Much love,

Your Teach

Claude sniffled, clutching the letter to his chest as he took everything in. Nader smiled, bringing his old friend into a hug. Claude chuckled, hiding the ecstatic sob that threatened to rack his body. He just stood in Nader's hug, reveling in the news.

"Congratulations, Claude," Nader grinned widely, squeezing him tighter and almost crushing Claude in his embrace. "You're gonna be a father!"

Claude smiled, sighing in contentment. Even though he felt guilty about leaving his Teach still, she seemed to be pretty okay. He just had to finish up around here, and then he could see her again. Claude couldn't wait.

He couldn't wait to see her...and he couldn't wait to be a father.

"Yeah. I am."

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