The Missing King

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It was the first day that Byleth woke up alone.

She opened her eyes sleepily, blinking in confusion as she woke up without him. She sat up in complete worry before remembering;

Claude had left.

He'll be back...

But still.

After he had departed, Byleth had headed back to her room, depressed. Everyone had gone out for a feast that night, but Byleth skipped out on it. Her students didn't need to see her all teary eyed.

"Professor? Claude?" There was a knock on the door from someone's bright and cheery voice. Hilda. She had no idea of Claude's disappearance...Her voice was still chipper and excited. "It's coronation day!"

Byleth remained silent, fiddling with the ring Claude had given her. The lump in her throat was growing. How could she speak? She was set to become a queen without her king. A queen with no idea of how to lead, no idea of how to strive for peace. Hell, Byleth didn't even know what mercy or forgiveness was until she met Claude and his peaceful ideals! How was she supposed to lead people when she couldn't even lead herself?

"Um, hello-" Hilda barged through the door, a surprised look as the door actually opened. Byleth hadn't bothered to lock it after last night. As Hilda saw Byleth sitting on the bed despondently, she raised her brow. "Where's Claude? He does realize this is a very important day, doesn't he?"

Hilda continued to rant onwards, but Byleth tuned her out. All she could do was think about the unwanted duty that awaited her. Hilda finally stopped complaining, turning to her professor in confusion.

"So, where is he?"

Those four words cut deeply into Byleth's soul. It was worse than being stabbed or punched multiple times. Byleth swallowed, trying desperately not to start bawling. Hilda's bottom lip dropped downwards, and she sat next to her. Hilda placed a hand on Byleth's shoulder comfortingly.

"," Byleth managed to choke out, and Hilda gasped in surprise. Byleth blinked her eyes furiously, trying to hold back tears.

"WHAT!?" Hilda exclaimed, enraged and shocked. "What do you mean he left-"

"He's coming back," Byleth interrupted, feeling the need to defend her beloved from scrutiny. She bit her lip to stop the tears from flowing. "He's going to try and reform Almyra. But he'll be back, and he'll be king as soon as he returns."

"...Well then, I'll have to help you get ready for the coronation," Hilda patted her shoulder reassuringly before standing. "Luckily for you, I've already sewn your dress. You're welcome. I've had this done ever since we took over Shambhala!"

"Thanks," Byleth mumbled. Hilda's smile faded slightly. "Sorry. It's just..."

"I know, Professor," Hilda nodded empathetically. "Well, why don't you come to my room with me? I'll get you all dolled up in time for this coronation."

"Can I wash up and meet you there?" Byleth asked, and Hilda shook her head in agreement.

"Yes, that sounds wonderful. I'll meet you there!"

After showering, Byleth trudged to Hilda's room. Byleth knocked on the door, and was immediately dragged into the room. Lysithea and Marianne were sitting on the bed, an excited look on their faces.

"I know I'm not exactly the right person for this," Lysithea started with a determined look in her pink eyes. "But I'm going to do my best!"

"U-Um, me as well," Marianne agreed. "B-Besides, I think Hilda would be mad if I didn't try..."

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