Almyran Heat

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Claude couldn't stand the nightmares.

"Teach, please," Claude begged, but she laid still underneath him. The blood was still staining her porcelain skin, tangled within her minty tresses. "I need you, I need you..."

"Claude, she's...gone," Nader said solemnly, leaning over to place a hand on his friend's shoulder. Claude began to sob hysterically over his Teach's body.

"No, no, no.."

"Serves you right," Nadia lingered over the two, her shadow shrouding them in darkness. She grinned maliciously, holding her axe above Claude's head. "Now you're next."

Claude jolted awake, sitting up straight in his bed as the axe blade came down on his head. He panted heavily, subconsciously running a hand over his head.


No. She was fine. She was back at home, safe and sound at the monastery. In a way, Claude was glad she wasn't here beside him. She wasn't in danger like this..

Nadia. Claude couldn't help but be suspicious of the secretive woman. It wasn't like him to be so distrustful of anyone right off the bat, but there was something about her smile that made him think badly of her.

Maybe it was because he himself had often hid dangerous secrets behind a distrustful smile...

Well, whatever. Claude decided it was time to get up; even though it was early in the morning, Claude had a weird feeling not to stay in bed. He dressed himself slowly, not in the mood to hurry, and then walked out.

No one was awake, much to his relief. Claude strode outside, past the guards to head to Skye. His pearly wyvern licked his hand affectionately as Claude boarded her side.

With one powerful stroke, Skye took off into the sky. The sun had not risen yet, leaving the world shrouded in darkness. Claude couldn't exactly complain; it meant he would be able to view the sunrise.

He landed on a cliff off in the distance, hopping off of Skye to allow her to travel around a little bit. She soared away, leaving Claude to think.

Almyra was a beautiful place. It always had been. There were wondrous hills and valleys, but also hills of sand in the hottest regions. Unlike Fódlan, there was no such as thing as 'cold'. That was why Almyrans normally wore thin clothing to hide themselves from the scorching heat, or why men would go shirtless.

Still, Claude thought it was nothing compared to that scorching hot sauna.

"We're going back here again!?" Claude whined as his Teach wordlessly dragged him back in the direction of the sauna. "Why do you like it so much in there? It's so hot. It's not even relaxing, it's just literal death in there!"

"You're being dramatic," His Teach rolled her eyes in amusement as she pulled on his arm. He playfully stood his ground, refusing to move any further. "Come on, Claude."

"Ah, ah. You have to answer the question," Claude grinned as she tugged on his sleeve to try and get him to move. "Why do you like it in there?"

"It's calming. The heat feels good," His Teach shrugged simply. "Now come on, I wanna go-"

"Aw, that's a disappointing answer," Claude pretended to sigh, a smirk growing over his features. He couldn't help it. "I was hoping it was because you liked seeing me out of this stuffy outfit."

"Wha-er-um," His Teach immediately grew bright red, her cheeks growing flushed with color as Claude grinned at her. "...You know what, I'll just go by myself."

"Aw, just teasing Teach," Claude chuckled lightheartedly, and she peered at him. With a sudden mischievous look, she reached up and pulled on his cravat, bringing him into a long kiss.

"...Well, you weren't entirely wrong," She mumbled against his lips, making him laugh against her. She pulled away, pulling on him again. "Now come on. I'm hoping you didn't bring that ridiculous outfit again."

"What? You don't like my bright pink ones?"

"Why can't you just wear the standard clothes for being in a sauna...?"

After that instance, his Teach had tried to avoid glancing at him while they had entered the sauna. But when she thought he wasn't looking, he caught her sneaking glances at him. Claude chuckled at the thought of his endearing and adorable Teach.

If anyone would have told him that he'd ever fall in love, Claude would have just laughed heartily. But now that he was experiencing it..? Well, it was a completely different moment. Claude watched as the sun began to rise, knowing he had to go get up and accomplish the day's duties. There were corrupt people to deal with, rebellions to stir. But even throughout life's chaos, Claude knew he'd be coming back to his love.

How incredibly lucky I am...

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