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Byleth stood under one of the trees by the pond impatiently. The sun was beginning to set, a beautiful afterglow appearing and reflecting off of the water.

"Meet me by the pond tomorrow, alright?" Claude had told her last night, a charming smile on his face as usual. Byleth had agreed, he was nowhere in sight! She knew he wouldn't stand her up, but she despised waiting and looking so desperate.

"Hey, Teach!"

Byleth jumped as he startled her. He laughed heartily, making her narrow her eyes at him. Claude must have snuck up behind her at some point.

"Not funny," Byleth grumbled, a blush growing on her cheeks.

"Eh, I thought it was," Claude shrugged. "Oh, before you try and scold me more...I have something for you."

He pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, and held it out to her. Byleth felt herself blushing intensely as she stared at the bouquet.

"F-For me?" Byleth stuttered as he looked at her, a smile on his face.

"Well, they're certainly not for the trees," Claude told her, an easygoing grin growing on his features. Byleth reached out to take them, grasping the bouquet in her hands as she blushed crimson.

"Thank you."

"I think my Teach deserves the best," He winked at her, somehow making her heat up even more. She smiled, desperately attempting to stop herself from overheating.

"You are the best," Byleth reminded him, standing on the tips of her toes so she could place a gentle kiss on his cheek. It was his turn to be flustered as she grasped his hand in hers, leading them away from the greenhouse.

"Whoa, Teach, where are you planning to take us?" Claude grinned as she led him. He intertwined their fingers together, and she held the bouquet in her other hand.

"My room," Byleth began, and she was quick to cut off his train of thought. "I've got to put the flowers away, after all."

"Ah, good. After all, I've got quite a fun adventure planned for us."

"An adventure?" Byleth raised her brow. "Now I'm curious."

"You'll have to wait until it's time, Teach."

Byleth practically sprinted back to her room.

Once she had placed the flowers in a vase on her desk, Byleth once again voiced her inquiries.

"So, where are we going?"

"Why don't you let me take you there?" Claude winked, and he led her out of the room. Byleth was confused as he led her to the reception hall of all places.

Upon opening the doors, Byleth noticed that the tables were all gone. Instead, her former students and the members of the church were all scattered throughout the hall while amiable music played. Upon noticing them, everyone inside immediately screamed 'happy birthday!'.

"Is this..?"

"Well, there is nothing better than a party!" Claude grinned. "Happy birthday, Teach."

Byleth felt herself tearing up from the absolute over the top celebration. She smiled, a grateful look on her face. The troops were all there, enjoying a nice celebration even though in two days, they'd be fighting for their lives.

"Thank you so much, Claude."

"Hey, it wasn't just him!" Hilda walked over to them, a bright smile on her face. "Happy birthday, Professor! It may have been his idea, but I'll have you know I did most of the decorating!"

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