Defend the Monastery...Till the Very End

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"Forces from the Adrestian Empire have been spotted marching towards the monastery! Prepare for battle!"

"Understood," Claude said grimly. He went through the army, advising how everyone needed to get ready quickly. After searching for a long time, he finally found the professor.

"Ah, Teach. Are you ready for battle?" Claude extended his hand out towards her, his Failnaught in his other hand. She took his hand, her Sword of the Creator sheathed, and they took to the battlefield.

"After our fight, I need to tell you something," Claude pulled her aside quickly. He was nervous, even though he desperately tried to hide it from her. He really didn't want her to worry throughout the battle. "Alright?"

"Okay," His Teach nodded, not questioning what he was saying whatsoever. Claude appreciated that she wasn't trying to insist on knowing right that moment; she understood the dire circumstances.

As they ran towards Garreg Mach's gates, they saw the approaching soldiers. A man with ashy brown hair and tan skin was leading them, shouting something that Claude couldn't hear. With his Golden Deer and the Church of Seiros behind him, Claude gave the order;


Upon hearing his words, the enemy soldiers charged towards the monastery. Claude held his bow with determination as he ordered Seteth, Cyril, and Hilda on their wyverns to attack down the right side. Ingrid went along with them, Sylvain by her side as they rode their trusty mounts to scout out further. His smirk grew wider as he noticed the soldier on the left.

"Raphael, Ignatz! You see soldier over there? He needs to make it to the that house in the middle, okay?" Claude instructed, a calculating and smug look in his eyes. "Lysithea and Dorothea will be behind you to pick off stragglers."

"Understood!" Raphael grinned jovially, his gauntlets only adding to his intimidating appearance. "Come on, Ignatz, Lysithea! Let's go!"

"Teach, you're with me. We're heading straight down the middle!" Claude smirked, rallying over the rest of the troops with a simple gesture. "Leonie, Lorenz, Marianne! Follow me. We'll fight together!"

"What about the rest of us?" Catherine questioned, not wanting to stand around and do nothing.

"Defend these lines! I know it sounds boring, but I guarantee there will be a couple of soldiers who manage to sneak in. Sound good?"

"Can't believe I'm being ordered around by a boy," Shamir sighed. "Yes, understood."

"We will fight for Jeralt's honor!" Alois raised his axe in glory.

"Alright, let's go!" Claude beckoned his squad over, and they began to force their way down the middle. Already, soldiers were already fast approaching, and he watched in admiration of how his Teach held her sword, slicing through the Empire's forces. While he didn't want to spill any more blood, this battle made it inevitable.

After all, Claude needed to stop them from invading the monastery.

Claude muttered a quick 'sorry' and then armed his Failnaught. With deft precision, Claude quickly fired multiple arrows in a row towards the battalion that came rushing towards him. Every single one of his silvery arrows hit a soldier straight in the chest, and Leonie galloped in on her horse to take out the rest of them.

Together, her and Lorenz speared down every soldier that was out of Claude's range. His Teach was slicing through enemies at lightening quick speed, and even Marianne was shredding enemies with her white magic.

Even through all this, the battle was not in their favor.

Finally, Claude received the signal. An arrow shot straight up into the sky from the left of the battlefield, and Claude whistled loudly.

"Alright, let's rile the enemy team up, shall we?"

He could tell his Teach was confused, but she simply nodded and trusted his judgment.

"Hey, general of the Adrestian Empire! You do realize that you're losing to a bunch of children, don't you?" Claude taunted with a knowing look on his face. "When you have to turn around and tell Edelgard about your failure, she'll be so disappointed!"

"I won't fail!" The general responded, confidence in his voice. "I've trained years for this!"

"Well, I hate to tell you that we already have captives inside of the monastery," Claude hoped that he wouldnt call his bluff. "Civilians, children, soldiers...Your squadron is the only one left!"

" lie!" The general couldn't contain the look of horror from showing on his face. "Everyone, charge! We must save the civilians!"

Claude smirked as the Adrestian Empire's forces ran straight towards the monastery. He stopped his army from running towards them with a gesture of his hand.


The soldier that Raphael, Lysithea, and Ignatz had been escorting finally set off the trap...and the ground underneath the Adrestian army's feet sprung into flames.


"RETREAT!" The general panicked, desperately avoiding the fire. Claude grinned, glad that his scheme had gone off without a hitch.

"That was smart, Claude," His Teach complimented beside him, a prideful and excited look in her sea green irises. "I'm surprised you wanted to play with fire."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Claude shrugged. "Alright, march on! We need to destroy their forces here and now!"

With a battle cry, they continued to rush into battle.

We will defend the monastery.

This time, we'll win.

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