The Truth

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❤️happy valentine's day! sorry for the late update. ❤️

"...yes...we're..ure. Crest of...lames.."

Byleth slowly awoke to the sound of Seteth and Claude arguing. Seteth was growing increasingly upset while Claude tried to remain calm. Byleth stretched slowly, trying to remain subtle.

"Crest of Flames..? But...not...ssociated" Claude only sounded confused as he whispered with Seteth, trying not to wake her up. Byleth could only make out a couple words of what they were talking about. "...aybe...Rhea.."

"Rhea is...ritical condition!" Seteth's voice grew louder, and Claude shushed him quickly in fear of Byleth's awakening. "Apologies...ut...this is no...for that!"

Alright, enough of this.

Byleth slowly slid the covers off of herself, getting to her feet quietly. She cleared her throat, and the two men turned their attention to her, caught in the act. Claude shot her a guilty grimace.

"What are you guys talking about?" Byleth questioned, suppressing a yawn as she placed her hands on her hips. Claude pressed his lips together in slight frustration from what he'd been discussing.

"We've spotted an army marching towards us. They bear the Crest of Flames," Claude told her, and Byleth felt chills go down her spine. The war's not over..? "I...I don't understand who this army could be."

"I am unsure, but this army been demolishing anyone who stands against them," Seteth grimaced. "They say they possess inhumane power."

"...The Crest of Flames..." Claude frowned, subconsciously twirling an arrow in his hands. Byleth wondered where he had pulled that from, but he had it. "...Rhea may know answers. Don't you understand the gravity of this situation?"

"Yes, but she's gravely injured-!"

"Rhea is alive?" Byleth interjected in disbelief and a shroud of relief. Seteth nodded. "Oh, thank goodness.."

"She is in critical condition. I fear she may not have much time left."

"Then it's imperative that we talk to her straight away," Claude argued grimly. "We have no other choice. You know that, Seteth."

"Rhea is-"

"Seteth, I know you're stressed," Byleth interrupted gently, placing herself between the two. "But we need answers. Fódlan's future is on the line. Please understand."

"...Alright. Fine," Seteth relented, glancing at Claude. "I will arrange a meeting for you two. Please, do not stress her. Let her tell you everything, do not pry."

"Don't worry, Seteth," Claude reassured the stressed out assistant of Lady Rhea. "We're both aware of her limits right now. Trust us, and, while you're at it, take a break. You're starting to look old enough to be Flayn's father, not her brother."

"E-Excuse me?" Seteth asked, taken aback. For some reason, Claude had a knowing look on his face, and Byleth just shook her head in confusion.

"Please, go, Seteth. I need to know that she's alright with my own eyes."

Seteth nodded, and was on his way. Byleth looked at him, her brow raised.

"What did you mean by that?"

"By what?" Claude chuckled, and then sobered up upon seeing Byleth's demanding face. "I confronted Flayn awhile going. Something just didn't seem right about how overprotective he is. She didn't say anything, but her reaction gave it away. Seteth is Flayn's father."

"But why would they even hide that?" Byleth mused, and Claude shrugged.

"She's apparently special enough to kidnap. Maybe Seteth is just trying to protect her even more. But I wonder who his wife is..."

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