To A New Fódlan

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Byleth smoothed down her ivory dress accented with golden highlights. She'd been prepped up even more than usual; Hilda had applied Byleth's makeup meticulously while Lysithea and Marianne had done her hair. They had braided it as Claude had done, much to Byleth's gratitude.

Today was an important day.

"Professor! I got you some meat!" Raphael barged into the room, making Marianne screech in surprise from his clarion voice. "I've heard that eating meat calms the nerves!"

"Oh, I'm okay Raphael-"

"You do not just barge into a lady's room like that!" Dorothea scolded, her hands on her hips after placing the crown down. "What if she was changing!?"

"Oh, sorry!" Raphael scratched his golden hair in utter embarrassment. "I didn't even think about that. So sorry..."

"Don't worry," Byleth chuckled. "It's okay. Good thing I'm dressed, Claude would be furious if anyone saw me..."

Her voice trailed off as she thought of her love. She laughed softly, picturing an enraged Claude telling poor Raphael off for a simple mistake.

"Ah, look. You made the Professor sad!" Leonie frowned. Her and Ingrid were sitting on the bed, feeling rather helpless about their utter lack of knowledge when it came to looking presentable. "Come on, Raphael."

"Sorry! I'll just leave," Raphael apologized frantically, setting the food down before bolting out. Byleth laughed.

"He didn't make me sad, it was fine," Byleth told them, chuckling softly. "Ugh, all this effort just to give a speech.."

"Professor, you look amazing!" Dorothea grinned, and everyone stood back to admire how Byleth looked. Dorothea grabbed the crown, gently placing it upon Byleth's head. "Nice work, ladies."

Her gown was puffed out at the waist, making Byleth feel quite small inside of the dress. It was purely white, but faded into molten gold at the ends, much to her satisfaction. She patted down her dress, adjusting her opulent crown.

"Thank you," Byleth nodded, and everyone smiled.

"No problem, Professor! Now let's get moving!"

They began walking toward the audience chamber, and Byleth began to process just what she was going to say. Everyone would know the truth. The Golden Deer didn't even know right now; but they trusted her.

It was all on her.

"Okay, we're here!" Hilda exclaimed excitedly, although Byleth's nerves shot up upon hearing that news. "You'll do great, Professor! Now get out there!"

"Thank you."

Byleth stepped into the audience chamber, slightly amused as to how everyone stood at her presence. The girls of the Golden Deer joined the others in the audience, and everyone smiled at her encouragingly.

"Good morning, people of Fódlan," Byleth greeted upon stepping up to the podium. "You may sit."

Everyone did as she asked. Much to her satisfaction, she noted that there were multiple commoners in the room. It wasn't all nobles; someone had opened the door to everyone.

"Today, I have called for a very important meeting," Byleth addressed everyone, her hands clasped behind her back. "It's about the truth of Fódlan's history."

Rhea was not in the room, thankfully. She would have had to bear the scorn of everyone in the room. Instead, she was still resting. Would she make it? No one knew.

"We've had quite a bit hidden from us. A long time ago, humanity became depraved and tried to take advantage of the Goddess's powers. War rampaged the world, and Sothis finally managed to bring world peace. But this was costly, and Sothis retreated to take a long deserved nap in Zanado. Before she slept, she bestowed her children to watch over the earth."

This seemed reasonable enough. No one was in an outrage yet, much to her relief.

"During this time...a group of bandits rose. They attacked Sothis's resting place, killing her in her sleep," Byleth revealed, and gasps resounded throughout the chamber. "Their leader was named Nemesis..the so-called King of Liberation. He was no king. He murdered Sothis, and then marched to Zanado. He slayed the children of the Goddess, forging our so-called Hero's Relics from their bones. Our crests are made from their blood."

Byleth paused as the crowd's murmuring grew louder. She silenced them with a hand gesture.

"Saint Seiros, the last remaining child of the Goddess, slayed Nemesis and his army. But these crests we worship, these Hero's Relics we praise...they are all based on a tragic story. Which is why I plan to remove our worship of crests and nobility."

Now, people really started to riot. Some of the nobles that had not been present at her previous speech were appalled, while others were just furious about the true history. Hilda clapped her hands together loudly, silencing them all with a deadly glare.

"Our nobility system praises the same people who murdered our Goddess," Byleth narrowed her eyes sorrowfully, thinking about the dormant goddess inside of her mind. "This should not be the case. Instead, everyone will be able to work for the same opportunities. I will not be liquidating everyone's materials, mind you. This just means that everyone will have equal rights to speak, and the same right to any position or job."

"Good people of Fódlan," Seteth addressed those doubtful about Byleth's words. "What kind of devout follower are you? Do you think the Goddess takes kindly to those who worship a society praising her murderers? We were ignorant before, but we cannot continue the same course with our knowledge!"

Slowly, people were beginning to come around. They were murmuring softly, glancing around uncertainly. Byleth felt like she needed to reassure them further, so she cleared her throat loudly.

"Of course, those who are struggling will receive aid from royalty, and those who need protection will be assisted from me," Byleth reminded them all. "But no longer shall we have a divide of nobility and commoners. We will all be one; a people. I know this may sound strange. But slowly, it will be remembered. We will be prioritize peace and equality above all else."

Her Golden Deer all stood, bowing quickly to Byleth. They had devout and determined looks on their faces; even Lorenz, who she predicted would have been against the nobility disappearing. Byleth was slightly shocked at the overwhelming support. Upon seeing this, people slowly began to rise and bow, agreeing with her ideals. Byleth felt a true, wide smile span on her face for the first time since Claude had left.

Finally, part of Claude's ideals were coming true....Byleth raised her hand, a proud and hopeful look on her face.

"To a new Fódlan!!"


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