The Golden Deer

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"I must say, I'm shocked to hear that you didn't choose Edelgard or Dimitri's house."

Byleth looked up, a blank stare on her face. The boy in front of her-whose name was Claude- had told her she should pick the Deer. Yet, he was surprised that she actually had done so? He didn't make a lot of sense to her already, and his smile seemed so non-genuine.  Yet...There was a certain charm to him, one that Byleth was quite curious about. Byleth had already been introduced to everyone in the house, with the task of a mock battle up ahead.

"The others were too forceful."

"Ah, they're very good at that," Claude laughed. She shifted from side to side. What else was she supposed to say? He saved her from having to speak by continuing to talk. "Edelgard likes to think everything belongs to her, and Dimitri just gets a bit crazy sometimes. Me, though? I'd like to just get through our Academy days. With you at my side, things will be a lot easier."

"You don't know if I'm even a good Professor yet."

"Well, do I have to?" Claude grinned, placing his hands behind his head. "I mean, the Archbishop herself appointed you, so you've got to be quite capable."


"...I have a feeling that there was another reason you picked us," Claude shrugged. "Call it a lucky guess, but I feel it."

"Well, you're rather perceptive," Byleth said, and then she leaned in closer. He wasn't flustered, he merely smiled at her. Tapping him on the nose lightly, she leaned away. "I have my own secrets to keep."

"Not fair, Teach."

"Nothing is ever fair, Claude."

As if he didn't know that, Claude thought to himself. Still, he was interested in his Professor. She was worthy enough to be interesting to Rhea. Perhaps she was worthy enough to be used as a tool for his schemes.

Yes, the Golden Deer would thrive under her care.


"Hey, Teach. I've got to admit, you lead us well during that mock battle."

After the congratulatory speech had occurred, Byleth had retreated to her quarters. However, she hadn't anticipated a little Deer following her.

"I'm a mercenary, did you expect differently?"

"'Course not," Claude winked at her. He was still being fake. "Well, you were a mercenary. Now you're our Teach!"

"Yes, I am."

Byleth was still confused as to why Rhea had appointed her. Like Claude had said, she was a mercenary. She wasn't a trusted professor, yet she was being granted all these privileges.

"You don't say very much."

I don't really feel much, either, Byleth wanted to tell him. No, no one should know that.

"I don't think I understand you yet, Teach," She could feel him analyzing her through his emerald eyes. "You come from nothing. Why does Rhea choose you?"

"I don't know the answer to that either,"
Byleth said honestly.

"You are so mysterious," Claude mused.

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