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"You can wield the Sword of the Creator...You shouldn't be able to do that. What other mysteries do you hold, Teach?"

Byleth winced at the words. She had finally started getting comfortable to Claude's presence, and he had done the same. The two had paired up to search for Flayn, and Byleth had felt a warm feeling in her chest as he grabbed her hand, leading her around. Now, things were back to how they were when they first met. He seemed more distant, as if the knowledge that she could use the sword changed how he felt about her.

"I don't know."

"That was a sword used by Nemesis," Claude pondered, a glint in his emerald eyes. "You have the Crest of Flames...It explains why you're so absurdly powerful. I'm glad you're on our side, Teach."

"Right," Byleth said absentmindedly. She hadn't seen him fake a smile near her in awhile, but now his superficiality was back.

Byleth didn't like being treated like this.

Are your feelings hurt by a boy? Sothis mocked inside of her head.

Yeah, a little bit, Byleth bitterly admitted. Her response must have surprised Sothis as the Goddess went quiet.

This is my chance to accomplish my goal, Claude told himself. Still, he felt uneasy transferring back to his old ways. He'd started getting closer to the Professor, but now that she wielded such power, he couldn't afford such emotions. Fòdlan must be unified, and she has the power to help solve my goals. She's just another tool that I can use.


Claude didn't like using that term for her, but he knew he needed to steel his resolve. Lifted from his scrambling thoughts, Claude sighed and glanced over to his Professor.

"I'll see you around, Teach. See if you can find a way for me to use that sword," Claude joked, but it fell flat between the two of them. If I could have used that sword, this would have been six times easier. Instead, I have to do this...

"You'll hurt yourself if you try. Bye, Claude."

"Bye, Teach."


Things hadn't been the same ever since Claude had seen her wield her Sword of the Creator.

In fact, things kind of sucked. When the time came to head to Remire Village, Byleth glumly nodded and turned to head towards her father's room.

Maybe he could help soothe her feelings. Of course she wouldn't tell him anything, but she was sure he could at least cheer her up.

She knocked on his door, and he told her to come in. Stepping in the room, Jeralt's eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Kid, I haven't seen you look so glum before. What happened?"

"How did you know?" Byleth asked, confused that he had known something was wrong without her even saying it.

"You're pale as a ghost, and your eyes are downcast," Jeralt told her. "Come on, kid, I'm your father. Of course I know. Now what's going on? Is it about Remire?"

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