I Know

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They had finally fallen asleep.

After a night of stargazing, they had finally grown drowsy enough that they could barely make it back to the monastery before crashing on Byleth's bed.

Claude had fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. His breathing slowed, and Byleth chuckled quietly as she gently played with his dark and soft hair. She laid next to him, not wanting to sleep yet. The only thing she wanted to do was stare at his face, even though that sounded really creepy.

"You really like looking at my face, don't you?"

Well, Byleth couldn't deny it. But who could blame her? Somehow, he had managed to grow handsomer in the five years that had passed. She had thought he was charming enough with his smile, and then he suddenly became an adult with an even more handsome face. His wild hair had been combed down, his features were sharper and more fleshed out. Was it possible that his eyes had turned more verdant, or was that her imagination? Either way, they shone brighter with a strong passion in them, and Byleth couldn't get enough.

She was kind of glad Claude was sleeping; she knew he'd be teasing her like no tomorrow if he knew she was just staring at him like this. Byleth gently ran a hand down his cheek. She hadn't expected him to jolt at her simple action, and Byleth subconsciously flinched backwards as he moved.

What's going on...?

His expression contorted into one of pain and fear. Byleth's eyes widened in understanding; he was dealing with another nightmare. She knew he had them every so often, but she still hated seeing him in such a distressed state.

"With...her..!?" Claude muttered under his breath quietly, and then went silent again. After a few brief moments, he ceased his thrashing, and turned calm once again. Not wanting him to start another nightmare, Byleth gently woke him up.

His eyes darted around the room, disoriented as Byleth held him in her arms. Claude looked like a deer in the headlights, fear and confusion prominent in his emerald irises.

"T-Teach? What's going on?"

"You had a nightmare," Byleth said quietly. He grimaced and quickly bit his lip, sitting up on the bed. "Do you remember what it was about?"

He flinched.

"It doesn't matter."

"It will help to talk about it," Byleth offered quietly, but he really didn't want to get her involved. He had always been that way; working as hard as he could so that she didn't have to lift a finger.

"I'm okay-"

This time, though, Byleth wouldn't take no for an answer. Not when he had already suffered so much for her sake.


He sighed, holding her hand in his. He wiped at his brow with his free hand nervously, glancing downwards before flicking his gaze back to her again.

"Well, I know it's not real...But...You left," Claude told her, a defeated look on his face. Byleth froze, not expecting that answer. Oh, my love... "That's what it was about. You told me you believed in Edelgard, and that you were leaving to go fight with her. It's ridiculous, really, but..."

"Claude...You know I'd never," Byleth shook her head. Even though it would never happen, she could definitely understand why he was so pained. No wonder he'd been thrashing everywhere; the idea of fighting him shook her to the core. "I promised I wouldn't leave, remember? You trust me, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," Claude said immediately, without a moment of hesitation. "But I guess I'm always worried, you know. People always tend to leave me, so...I don't know. I guess I was just scared. I felt fine today, I don't know why I had a nightmare out of the blue..."

"It's probably because you're subconsciously worried about Edelgard..."

"Yeah, you're probably right.." Claude grimaced, biting his bottom lip. "Could you just say...that you'll stay? It'll make me feel better."

"I'm staying," Byleth obliged, caressing his cheek gently. She quickly leaned in, placing a quick kiss on his lips. He melted into her, reassuring himself with her presence. Byleth had never witnessed him so desperate as he pressed himself against her. She whispered into his lips, clinging onto his arm. "I love you. Claude. I'm never leaving you for Edelgard."

"I know."

"I've never felt this way about her, Claude...All my love goes to you. I don't care what she thinks."

"...I know."

He leaned his forehead against hers, looking deeply into her eyes for reassurance. She met his gaze warmly as he squeezed her hands.

"I love you, Teach..."

This time, it was her turn to repeat his sentiment.

"I know, Claude. And I'm never leaving. Not for anything, or anyone. Trust me, Claude...I know."

me = sleepy but also me = obsessed with this story so i updated anyways :)

hope you enjoyed!

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