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"Teach, I've got backup. We'll be meeting with Judith in the Aileil, otherwise known as the Valley of Torment."

"Valley...of Torment...?" Byleth repeated the phrase, curious as to what could have warranted such a ferocious nickname. "What happened there?"

"No one really knows, but it's apparently from 'the wrath of the Goddess' or something," Claude shrugged. "Like I believe that."

"So many secrets," Byleth muttered. She wished she could find Rhea and comprehend all of Fódlan's secrets, but she was another person missing in action. "Anyways, who's Judith?"

"Judith? Oh, right. She's the famous Hero of Daphnel," Claude explained. "She's been one of my friends for awhile, she really helped me were gone. Uh, Teach, not like that," He added quickly as he saw her eyes narrow in jealousy. "Ew. I've known her for awhile. She's kind of like an older and more annoying aunt. She took care of me."

"Ah. I see."

"...Teach, are you alright?"

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm just tired," Byleth shrugged. She had been running herself ragged since she had returned; practicing late at night and going to almost every meeting with Claude. She didn't even want to mention how her eyes could barely stay open.

"You could take a break," Claude suggested, a worried look in his eyes. "Whatever you need done, I can handle. It's no problem."

"Oh, nonsense," Byleth had to stifle a yawn, placing a hand over her mouth to hide it. "I can do it. Thanks for trying to step in, but-"

"Yeah, yeah," Claude chuckled. "You're tired. Go to bed. I'm used to no sleep after those five years without you."

"Oh, Claude," Byleth was about to comment on the incident that had happened a couple of days ago where he had freaked out about her lack of heartbeat, but she hesitated. It had been awhile; what if it seemed like she was overreacting? Was this the wrong time to bring it up? "Still...I can help you through it."

"No stress, Teach. The best thing you can do for me is sleeping."

Byleth began to wonder if she really was making things up. He hadn't done anything that had indicated worry, but Byleth wanted to be certain. After all, Claude was a glorious actor.

"Are you sure? Don't you need to sleep?" Byleth asked, concerned for his health. She awkwardly shifted from side to side. "I don't want you to suffer..."

"I appreciate your concern, but just go to bed. You're stressing me out by arguing."


"Teach," Claude smiled playfully, lightly tapping her on the nose. "Sleep. I've got it all covered, no worries."

"Okay, fine," Byleth rolled her eyes, incredibly grateful that he was willing to sacrifice his own sleep. "But I'm taking the shift tomorrow."

"Whatever you say, Teach," Claude smirked. knowing that he would do everything in his power to stop her from doing extra work. "Just get to bed already."

"Yeah, yeah," Byleth smiled at him. She quickly stood on the tips of her toes, lifting her chin so she could kiss him on the cheek. She started walking away when he grabbed her by the hand, twirling her rapidly. Byleth giggled as she spun and he let go, sending her staggering in a random direction. She tried to regain her senses, but the world was spinning rather deftly.

As she almost tripped and fell, he caught her with ease. Claude held her in his arms, straightening her up as they laughed together. He leaned over to kiss her on the lips, enjoying a warm embrace.

I was probably just imagining things...He seems to be doing fine.

"I love you," Claude whispered into her lips. He slowly pulled away from her after a moment longer, smiling. "Now get some rest."

"How am I supposed to sleep after that?" Byleth placed her hands on her hips, pouting slightly at how he had gotten her riled up before sleeping. Now she was dizzy.

"You'll manage, I'm sure. Now, off to bed! Sleep!"

"Alright, alright! I'm going!"

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