Setting Off

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Claude already missed her.

He had hopped onto his ivory wyvern, Skye growling in adoration as Claude settled himself on her. Yet, even as he sat there, Failnaught in hand and the sword of Begalta in its sheath, Claude hesitated.

How can I leave her like this?

The memory of her in tears made him pause. I have to push forward. could he? She had taken it rather well, or maybe she just hadn't voiced it. It was obvious that she was upset. He was too...but it would only be for a month at most.

I mean, how hard could it be? Getting a bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians that to love people that had discriminated against them? How bad could it be?

Claude sighed. This was going to be terribly difficult, and he knew it. First, they were going to be extremely upset when a man of minor royalty appeared, demanding the throne with crazy ideals. It would be the exact same as how the nobles in Fódlan perceived him...

Yet, Claude knew he couldn't think like that. If he was living in a negative perspective, then the outcome could only end terribly. He needed to consider the fact that he was now well decorated, an outsider who had achieved change in a foreign country.

"Are you ready, my boy?" Nader hooted, swooping down beside Claude. Claude mustered a weak smile, nodding. I also have Nader the Undefeated standing beside me.

"Yeah," Claude nodded, patting Skye on the head gently. She clawed at the ground, ready to take off. "I'm ready..."

"Skye's perfectly harmless," Claude cooed at his mount, reaching our with his other hand to feel the top of her head. The wyvern growled softly in excitement, practically shoving her face into his hand for attention. "See?"

"...I guess," Byleth hesitantly agreed, knowing that she'd have to suck it up if it made Claude happy. Slowly, he brought her hand towards Skye's face.

The wyvern sniffed Byleth's hand, and she forced herself to remain calm. As Byleth held her hand steady, the wyvern finally made a decision and rubbed her head against Byleth's hand. Claude broke into an excited grin, laughing.

"...We'll be back quick," Nader reminded him, his loud voice slightly quieter than normal. "You know that, right?"


"...She'll be okay, Claude."

"What?" Claude tried to play it off with a weak smile, but Nader knew better. He flashed Claude a knowing look, and Claude sighed. "I know she will. doesn't make this any easier. I would have brought her with me if I could...but someone needs to rule Fódlan. If it's not me, then it has to be her."

"She's strong. She can do it. It'll only be a month maximum, and I'll make the people of Almyra listen to you!" Nader pounded his chest in pride. "..They will. So don't worry about being part from her for too long."

"...I left her with an entire country," Claude sighed. "She was so hesitant, and I just...I didn't even give her a real choice..."

"Claude, your professor can handle herself. She's a strong little lady."

"But I'm leaving her in a position where she's uncomfortable for at least a month, and that's if everything goes smoothly," Claude was so tempted to get off his wyvern and run back towards the monastery. "She didn't want to rule. Especially in this time, where Fódlan is at it's most dangerous time..."

"...Claude, stop stressing," Nader interrupted him, and Claude tried to take a deep breath. He failed; he just ended up choking on air somehow, and he began to cough desperately. Nader watched the situation in sympathy and slight amusement. "She's going to be okay. You just need to believe in her."

"I believe in her," Claude managed to stop coughing after awhile, clearing his throat multiple times. "I just..."

"You're just worried because you love her. It's normal, Claude," Nader acknowledged. "I promise you she'll be okay. Now, are you ready?"

"...As ready as I'll ever be."

With a quiet pat on her head, Skye took off into the atmosphere. Nader followed close behind Claude, but Claude didn't look back. He was afraid that if he looked at the monastery, he'd see his Teach, and his resolve would break.

I'll be back. I promise you I will.

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