I Do

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Today's the day.

Claude couldn't help himself from waking with a giant smile on his face. The nightmares were gone since he'd spent the past week with his Teach sleeping beside him. Although. as he had suspected, his Teach was gone, most likely whisked away by Hilda and the other girls to go get ready...but she had left a little note on the desk. Claude hurried to the desk, untangling himself from the bedsheets before picking the note up.

Being dragged off to go get ready. Apparently I'm not allowed to see you until I walk down the aisle or something, this is the first wedding I've ever been to! Love you. Can't wait, my love.

Claude's lips drew into a wide smile as he put down the note. So, her first wedding was going to be theirs? Claude certainly was excited himself.

That's when it hit.

He was getting married.

They'd taken off their rings temporarily in order to have them redistributed during the ceremony. Claude's finger felt empty without it, but his heart pounded at the thought of officially being married.

"Claude von Riegan!" Seteth pounded on the door hard, an indignant and urgent tone in his deep voice. "I'm coming in! It is the big day, and I swear that you will not present yourself in a disgraceful way! You may be king soon, but-"

"Alright, alright," Claude chuckled before walking to open the door. "Calm down. You really think I'd show up indecent for my own wedding?"

"No..But I do think you would do something funny," Seteth said sternly, and after a considerable pause, he sighed and softened his voice. "It's a big day for you and her Majesty. You'll be crowned King of both Almyra and Fódlan for this...I just want this to turn out well."

"Seteth, you worry too much. Everything is going to be alright, I promise," Claude reassured the stressed out assistant. "Don't worry. Just let me get ready, and everything will be perfect."

"Alright then," Seteth sighed. "Hurry and get dressed. I will wait outside for you."

Claude pulled out an ivory suit as Seteth left the room, closing the door. He'd had this tailored for the wedding; it was white with golden highlights, of course. His Golden Deer would always be with him, especially during this important occasion.

"Alright, you can come back in," Claude announced once he was dressed. Seteth opened the door to the Master Tactician combing his hair down nervously. "...What if...What if they don't want me as their king? What if they only want Teach-"

"Claude, calm down," Seteth sighed again, reaching over to fix the golden and white cravat that adorned the suit. "They want you as a king. Did you not hear their cheers? Calm down. Everything will be alright."

"I hope you're right."

"I know that I am right. The people love you."


Claude rocked back and forth on his heels as he impatiently waited for his Teach to arrive at the altar. Everyone was seated, it was now time for the beautiful bride to make her way down the aisle. Jeralt was unfortunately absent, so it was instead Alois who would be walking his Teach down the aisle.

The big day. Here it is.

The bridesmaids and best men (consisted of all of the Golden Deer, of course) were smiling at him encouragingly. Nader, his best man, was pulling at his tie, but still grinning.

The organs began to play their sonorous melody, and Claude felt his heart race as the doors began to open agonizingly slow...

There she was.

His Teach was just as gorgeous as he had expected.

Dressed in traditional ivory white, she wore a long gown that trailed behind her, decorated with golden trim and highlights much to his delight. Her hair was done in the usual braids, although they were now pinned with blooming white flowers and her flowing hair was curled.

She was...beautiful. As usual.

Claude felt his lips draw into a wide smile as she walked down the aisle with Alois escorting her. She smiled upon seeing him, and he fought the urge to run over to her.

This is really happening.

"Our beloved King and Queen stand before you!" Seteth announced as his Teach stepped to the altar. The Seiros statue was broken, but the people wanted to reconstruct it as his Teach and Claude together. They couldn't stop smiling at each other, not even as Seteth began to speak. "Together, they have managed to save Fódlan from the treacherous waves of war. They have managed to turn Fódlan into a thriving country, one that had opened its borders. They have accomplished the impossible, and saved millions of lives. Now, here they are...united together. Would you like to say a few words?"

"Yeah," Claude found himself nodding along, because of course he was going to take the chance! He gazed into his Teach's sea green eyes lovingly, entranced in her hold. "Teach. When I first met you...I wanted you only for your power. You were just a tool. But soon, I began to seek your presence, and all I wanted was to see you smile. I found myself thinking about you every day, and I can't imagine a life without you. I can't wait to spend our days together. I love you, Teach. Now, and for forever."

She sniffled, still smiling, and the audience let out a couple of happy sobs. She nodded, trying to compose herself.

"My love..." Just the sound of her sonorous and symphonic voice made pleasant waves shoot straight down his spine. "I first thought you were nothing but a schemer. I was right about that..but I came to realize that you made me feel emotion. You made me feel alive, like I mattered, and I can't count the amount of times you have made me laugh. You've always been here, even through the hard times, and I can't thank you enough for loving me, even when I'm at my weakest. I love you, now...and forever, my love."

"Do you, Claude von Riegan, take Byleth Eisner to be your wife, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for all this time and onward?"

"I do," Claude said, and immediately a sense of liberation flooded his body. He grinned softly. I do. He held out her hand for his Teach to slide the ring on his finger appropriately. Her hands were shaking in excitement and anticipation, but she managed to slide the silvery ring onto his finger. He lowered his head so that she could place the golden crown atop his head.

"Do you, Byleth Eisner, take Claude von Riegan to be your husband, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for all this time and onward?"

"I do!" His Teach's eyes sparkled as Claude slid the golden ring onto her finger. They lovingly gazed at each other, and the world seemed to blur around them. Claude could just barely make out Seteth's voice.

"I present to you, the King and Queen of Fódlan! You may kiss the bride."

That was all Claude needed to hear. He pulled her into a warm embrace, and she kissed him passionately. Tears of joy threatened to spill from his eyes, but he managed to hold them back. After everything they'd been through, they finally had gotten a happy ending. They were now married, and Claude would always have his Teach with him. He had the Golden Deer beside him, Almyra and Fódlan, but most importantly, his Teach.

And that was all he needed.

"I love you," Claude mumbled between kisses as the crowd began to cheer loudly. "I love you, Teach. I love you."

"I know," She giggled, gasping as he teasingly nibbled on her bottom lip. He cupped her face with his hands, and she melted into him. "I love you too."

Claude didn't know what the future held, but he knew one thing was for certain...

He'd always have his Teach by his side for whatever life tried to throw at him.

And that was all he needed to know.

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