Bonus: Mommy's Birthday

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Today was the day.

The twenty-ninth of the Lone Moon, or, better known as, his lovely Teach's birthday. Claude grinned, excited for what he had planned. She was sleeping beside him, with the kids in a room across from them, and he held her tighter in his arms. She didn't even stir, remaining out in his arms as she continued to snooze.

"Teaaach~" Claude called out her name quietly in a sing-song voice, tickling her under the chin gently. She didn't move, so he nudged her again. "Wake up! We've got fun things to do today."

Her face contorted into slight confusion, but she quickly tried to hide it and pretend she was still sleeping as her expression returned to neutral. Claude laughed, snuggling tighter to her.

"C'mon, Teach. I know you're awake."

"What...could be so important?" She yawned, opening an eye to glance at him tiredly. Claude had to stop himself from snickering; her hair was sticking up everywhere!

"Well...It's your birthday, Teach!" Claude exclaimed happily, leaning over to give her a kiss on the lips. She was still confused and drowsy, but she didn't stop him, and melted into the kiss.

"Mm...Thanks, Claude," She mumbled as he pulled away, a ditzy smile on her face. He tucked her hair behind her ear with one hand as she snuggled against his bare chest. "This couldn't have waited a couple hours...?"

"Nope. We've got things to do!" Claude smiled widely, standing from the bed. Now that she wasn't being cuddled, she was cold, and she pouted slightly as he began to get dressed for the day.

"Like what?" She raised her brow, confused as to just what he was planning. She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. "I'm content to just lie here and snuggle all day-"

"I'm sure...but I also think you'll like what I have planned," Claude pointed out, waiting for her to acquiesce. After a moment more, his Teach sighed and got off the bed to go get ready. He grinned at his victory, waiting for her to be done.

"Alright, I'm ready-!" His Teach gasped as he pulled her out of the room, making her laugh as she almost fell. "Hey, be a little more careful with the birthday girl, won't you?"

"I'm always careful!"

Claude brought them to the cathedral, making her furrow her brow in confusion. The building was decorated with magnolias, courtesy of him, of course. She looked at him with a pleasantly surprised expression.

"Why are we here?" She questioned as he laced his fingers through her own. Claude grinned, gesturing to an object covered by a white sheet.

"You'll see."

He took the white sheet off of the object, and she gasped upon seeing what was there; a painting of her and Claude together stood proudly. Their kids were painted as well as the couple stood happily. She ran a hand over the painting in amazement.

"Claude...this is amazing," She breathed, standing on the tips of her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Did you do this yourself? It's wonderful!"

"Well, I had some help from Ignatz of course," Claude's cheeks grew red from hearing her praise, and, of course, from her kiss. "Happy birthday, Teach."

"Thank you, Claude."

"Professor...happy birthday."

They both turned to the voice in surprise. They knew exactly who that belonged to, but no way. The person had been comatose for nine years-

"Rhea?" His Teach gasped as they scanned the former Archbishop. She didn't look injured in any way, shape, or form. Her minty hair was not tangled, and she wore a simple white gown. She had a peaceful smile on her face.

"What delightful timing for me to return."

His Teach let go of his hand momentarily to step forward and hug the woman. Regardless of all the crazy, terrible atrocities Rhea had done, Claude was glad to see his Teach learn how to forgive and move on. He smiled as his Teach began to cry happy tears.

"Yes...Yes it is."

"Welcome back, Rhea," Claude greeted as his Teach let go of the former Archbishop, returning to his side. Rhea smiled warmly at him.

"Hello, Claude. You two have done well to uphold Fódlan," Rhea praised, glancing over the erected statue. "I am proud to say that I have been succeeded by such wonderful people."

"We're just doing our part," His Teach smiled. Claude took her hand again, his grin growing wider.

"Well, as per Almyran tradition..." Claude exclaimed excitedly, winking at his Teach. "It's time for a feast! Rhea, come on! It's tradition."

"A feast? With the five of us?" His Teach raised her brow, laughing. "That's hardly even a feast."

"Well, that's why I invited all of the Golden Deer," Claude smirked as her jaw dropped, and then she cheered in excitement.

"Thank you so much, Claude," She said gratefully, squeezing his hand tighter. He blushed slightly as she kissed him passionately, and he heard Rhea's slight chuckle as she pulled away. "S-Sorry,"

"It is alright."

"Now, what are we waiting for!?" His Teach questioned, tugging at his arm impatiently. She grinned, a bright look in her eyes. "I'm ready for this feast, I'm hungry!"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" Claude chuckled as they began to make their way to the dining hall. "You know, I think that you've gotten more impatient recently..."

"But you don't love me any less for it, do you?" She smiled, gasping as he swooped her into his arms. He grinned, nuzzling his nose against hers gently before kissing her.

"Nope. I'll always love you, Teach."

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, embracing him closer as she closed her eyes in contentment.

"And I'll always love you, Claude."

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