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"Claude, give it back."

Byleth glared at her student who was currently dangling her guidebook above her head. Claude grinned down at her as she stood underneath him, her hands on her hips, not even attempting to snatch it back.

"If I keep this, we don't have to learn anymore...right?" Claude laughed. "That sounds like a bonus to me."

"If you don't give that back, I'm going to pummel you," Byleth warned. "You can ask Lorenz how much it hurts, he'll tell you he was crying for days."

"Yeah, but he probably deserved it. Do I deserve to be beat up?" Claude winked at her, and Byleth felt the stern look slip off of her face as he did so. Instead, a slight blush filled her cheeks. Dammit Byleth, you have to remain serious! "Oh, that look tells me that I'm in the clear!"

"Claude!" Byleth sighed, unable to deny his accusation. "I won't punch you, fine, but that doesn't mean you're safe. I could just fail your next few exams, meaning you'd have to retake a year at the monastery while everyone else graduates..."

"That means I get to stay with you for another year," Claude grinned at her. His smile was real, not superficial like it had been previously. "This seems more like a privilege."

"Claude, I swear."

"Alright, alright. I was just having a bit of fun," Claude smirked, lowering the book. As Byleth reached for it, he brought it upwards again and out of Byleth's reach. She glared as he laughed mercilessly, finally handing the instructional book to her. Satisfied, Byleth held it and smacked him with it on the arm. Immediately, he grabbed his arm and shook his head. "Ouch, Teach."

"I didn't even hit you that hard," Byleth smiled. She really hadn't, it had been more of a tap than a hit. Yet, of course, Claude played up on the dramatics.

"I might die. My Teach killed me!"

My Teach. The words filled her with joy for some reason, an emotion that Byleth rarely felt. A wave of searing heat went through her body. Was this what it meant to be happy?

That boy sure does make you feel some weird emotions, doesn't he? Sothis said, amused. Byleth shushed her.

"You're fine. I promise."

"That's what they all say," Claude sighed. Suddenly, his curiosity was peaked as he thought about something. "So, mind telling me why you beat up my dear friend Lorenz?"

"Dear friend...? Don't lie, Claude," Byleth sighed, remembering their countless arguments. "He was flirting with a lot of the girls. Lysithea told me, as well as some of the students from other houses! Then he tried to hit on me, so I...punched him in the shoulder when he tried to kiss my hand."

Immediately, Claude burst out laughing. Byleth's cheeks turned red as she realized she'd said too much.

"Look, I didn't mean to! It was a reflex."

"I'm sure it was," He laughed heartily. "I bet you hurt his feelings, too. Dear Professor, do me this honor- OUCH! Was that how it went?"

"More or less. I felt pretty bad, as I found out later he wasn't actually trying to flirt with me. He was actually just trying to teach me what it's like to be a noble."

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