Bonus: Quarantine!

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A deadly plague was sweeping across Fódlan.

It was quickly wiping out anyone who stood in its path. Always one to take quick action, Claude had urged everyone to self-quarantine immediately and avoid meeting in groups. Meetings were canceled, feasts postponed, and everyone began to live in fear.

Even his Teach was more worried than usual! They'd had to step up once again to try and quell the plague as quick as possible, and they were both exhausted from working to try and change it. Linhardt, Manuela, and Hanneman were all working on a solution, and while Claude had hope that they'd figure it out soon, it wasn't soon enough. People were dying out there, and he couldn't do anything about it! He was quarantined just like everyone else...

Well, there was one thing he could do.

Claude rushed around the empty monastery to try and prepare quicker. Everyone was in self isolation, so the monastery was empty except for the people who lived there. It was quite strange to not have random people just standing around! Not to mention how all the students had went home, there was literally no one remaining.

"Hehe! Daddy, what are you doing?"

Claude sighed, facepalming before looking towards the sound of the voice. Magnolia tilted her head in confusion as she giggled heartily; she wanted to know why in the world her father was hanging upside down. Claude waved at her, laughing as she tried to tilt her head to face him.

"Well, it was supposed to be a surprise," Claude chuckled, gesturing for her to come closer. "But since you're here...well, how well can you keep a secret?"

"Secrets?" Magnolia brightened up, an excited smile on her face. She clapped her little hands together, excited to hear something fun. The past couple days had been incredibly boring for the kids because of how busy their parents had been. "I love secrets!"

"Alright. Well, the secret is that your mother and I have a lot of work to do as King and Queen while this virus exists," Claude said softly, reaching up to cut himself down. "I think we all need a break from everything around us, so...I thought it might bring back some old memories for your mommy and help to cheer her up. Plus, I thought you kids might find it funny that I'm hanging upside down."

"It was funny!" Magnolia giggled again, and then a mischievous look grew on her face. "Wait, daddy...since I already know...can I do it too?"

"What? No, Mags," Claude shook his head. It was one thing for him to get hurt doing this, but he wouldn't allow his daughter to be injured doing one of his little stunts. "This is dangerous."

"Please? Please, please, please!" Magnolia pleaded, flashing her emerald puppy dog eyes at him. Claude hesitated, and then quickly shook his head again.

"No, that's not gonna work this time. My answer is a solid no."


"...I can't believe you managed to convince me into letting you help."

"Thanks, dad!" Magnolia grinned innocently at him as he tied the a around her waist, and one around her ankle. "You're the best!"

"Just so you know, if your mother is mad about this..." Claude warned her, a serious look on his face. "It's your fault, not mine."

"Sure..." Magnolia laughed again, knowing once again that he could never blame her for anything. Claude sighed as he tied the rope to his ankle.

"It's the truth!" Claude told her seriously, but couldn't keep a straight face. He laughed, and then  silenced as the door freaked open. "Oh, shh! They're here."

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