Starting A Rebellion

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The speech had gone off without a hitch.

Claude was still bewildered by the overwhelming amount of support. Not a single person had protested or complained, just as Nader had predicted. It still astonished Claude not to see people against him. His whole life, no one had ever appreciated him. They'd always yelled or cast him outside. Even in Fódlan, he was sure that everyone followed his lead because of his Teach. To be appreciated for who he was? That was just...liberating.

Now, everyone was beginning to suit up. The goal of all this was to strike up against one of the most barbarous and disliked higher-ups, Basir Ayad. He stole from the poor and defenseless, but was never stopped because he was a good friend to the king. Anyone who tried to report Basir was dismissed by the king who refused to believe them. They then soon disappeared, dispatched by Basir himself...

Taking him and his own personal clan down would be difficult, but not impossible. After all, Claude was the Master Tactician after all, and he had Nader the undefeated on his side. Combined with the many troops behind them, victory was almost certain. Taking down Basir would ensure even more support for them.

Not that they'd be killing, anyway. Well, if Claude could help it. Claude wanted to pave the path to a peaceful nation, one that fought for sport, but not to kill. He needed to show mercy, even against those who had wronged Almyra in general. He wondered what his father would think of all this...

"Hey, Claude!" Nader swooped by, a grin on his face. "I did ya a favor. I swiped some paper from an unsuspecting store-"

"You stole?" Claude raised a brow in amusement. How in the world did Nader get away with stealing? He's huge. Claude remembered the days where he had stolen for fun, and barely gotten away with it.

"Well, yeah," Nader shrugged, and hurried on with his sentiment. "I got ya some paper, and I found someone who's on their way to Fódlan. They're leaving tonight, to get there late tomorrow. If you hurry, you could write to your professor."

"Seriously?" Claude felt a smile form on his features. Nader nodded, and Claude swiped the paper and quill from Nader's hands. "Thanks."

"No problem!" Nader grinned, taking off on his wyvern again. "I'll be back in thirty minutes! You better be done by then!"

"I will!" Claude called after his disappearing friend, pulling a bottle of ink from his uniform. Claude hurried inside the cave, finding a flat surface in order to write. He dipped his quill into the ink, pausing for a moment.

What do I write?

He wondered if she had seen the note he'd left her in his desk. All he had to say was in that letter, really. Still, he was sure she would appreciate a status update. Something. He knew he wouldn't get a response, but if he could at least reassure her, that was all he needed.

Dear Teach,

I hope everything has been going well for you. I'm sorry I'm not there; I hope the nobles aren't being too annoying. You let me know if they are, and I'll smack them once I'm back. Speaking of nobles, what do you think about abolishing the nobility system? It would end a lot of the prejudice around the world. Just a thought.

I miss you. I don't really know how long it's been, but every day that passes, I think of you. It's hard to sleep without you. I forgot how difficult that was... I'll be back soon. You're probably staying stronger than I am. I've always admired that about you. But I hope that you miss me just as much as I miss you..

I hope the Golden Deer haven't been causing you too much trouble. Lorenz should help you with managing any paperwork if you need it. Feel free to slap me when I come back, Teach. I probably deserve it. I know I've apologized, but I'll still always feel guilty. I hope you still know how much I love you. Remember, time can't tear us apart. Nothing can.

I'll be attacking one of the higher ups in two days. He's known for killing all opposition, and for killing anyone against him. Can't say I'll be sad to see him imprisoned. The people all follow me. I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome.

I should probably wrap this up. Stay strong, my love. I'm always thinking of you. I promise I'll be back soon.



Claude set down his quill, satisfied with his letter. He let it dry for a moment before rolling it and sealing it with a rubber band. He addressed it to "Teach". She'd know who it was from.

Claude sat down, waiting for Nader to return. This little letter had rekindled him with hope, but also longing for his beloved. To feel her soft lips upon his, to listen to her symphonic giggle, or to merely see her doe eyed expression when she was surprised. He missed everything about her. He traced his Failnaught, grimacing.

I'll be back soon...

I promise.

as of this chapter, this book is officially the most popular one on my profile. thank you all so, so so much :) i detest the other book and i'm glad to say this one is now the most read.

thank you all so, so, so much for reading !! <3

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