The Archer

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Today had been awful.

The battle that would occur at Gronder Field was quickly approaching. In a week, they would fight Edelgard's army. Claude couldn't sleep, he just wandered around, hoping that he'd eventually just grow tired enough and pass out.

Eventually, he found himself in the woods surrounding the monastery. He could remember when he had first walked with Edelgard, Dimitri, and his Teach. Now the forest was silent, without so much of a whisper from the wind. He sat at the base of a tree, staring straight forward.

Who will we find at Gronder?

He could see that thought tearing people apart, even as they tried to appear calm. Would they see Caspar, fighting bravely alongside his father? Linhardt, who had never been interested in anything except naps and crests? Were either of them doomed to die tomorrow?

Or what about the former class of Blue Lions? Perhaps Felix was now fighting for the empire, tired of being forced to hold chivalrous ideals. The thought of meeting more people they could identify terrified Claude.

"You know, you should really look up more."

Claude directed his eyes upwards, tilting his head and finding himself looking at his Teach. She had a grin on her face as she lightly tapped him on the nose before sitting next to him.

"It took me forever to find you," She sighed, gesturing to the forest around them. "Couldn't sleep?"

"How'd you know?" Claude chuckled, placing his hands behind his head as he tried to sit comfortably against the tree.

"Same here," She shrugged. "Can't sleep without you, so..."

"Oh, I'm sorry Teach," Claude looked down guiltily. He hadn't really noticed that she needed him to sleep; whenever he came in late, she always looked as if she was out. Apparently she was just acting. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have just come back-"

"Claude, don't worry about it," She shook her head. "Anyways, I want to be here. You look let me remind you of something."

"Of what?" Claude questioned, confused. His Teach grabbed his wrist lightly, directing him towards the night sky. Stars lit up the world once again. While Claude had once enjoyed looking up to the sky practically every day, this was the first moment he'd had time to look up since his Teach had disappeared. "Oh, wow."

The stars were almost shining brighter than usual, or perhaps that was just because the sky was darker than usual. Either way, they stood out like a beacon of hope.

"You know, those stars combined sort of look like an archer," She pointed out, a smile slipping onto her face. "Look, even the sky is trying to cheer you up."

"Huh," Claude mused as he glanced at the constellation. The group of stars did indeed make the shape of a man shooting with a bow and arrow. "You know what, I kinda see it. That's just a coincidence, right?"

"I don't know, but the 'arrow' is pointing to a really bright star," She said softly. "You know why? It's because it's showing you that you'll make it to your future, you just need to stay strong and keep pushing on your path. You can't give up now, my love."

"I know," Claude sighed, and he ran his free hand through his dark hair. "But while that star might be representing my path, it also represents you. You're my future, after all."

"You mean I have to share?" She joked, making them both laugh. I can't believe she used to be stony faced and dead inside. Now, she's here, and loving, and everything I wanted... "I'm kidding. You're right, though. We're going to achieve your goals together."

"...Even if we defeat the Empire, do you think Fódlan will even accept my ideals?" Claude asked nervously. "What if they won't want to open up to Almyra? Or Dagda, or Brigid, or any of the other places...People have a lot of prejudice. Even if we win, what if-"

"Let's just tackle one issue at a time, why don't we?" She interrupted him, not wanting him to stress further. "Besides, they will accept your ideals, because they've seen what you have done before. They will trust you because of how you lead this war, and everyone will believe in you as the king, since there's no way we're letting Rhea take hold of the country again."

"Oh, um..." Claude suddenly hesitated once he heard his words. He wanted the war to end for obvious reasons, but...once the war was over...well...

"What?" His Teach asked in concern upon seeing the discomfort on his face. Oh, Teach... "What's wrong?"

"...It's nothing. Don't stress. I was just thinking about being king," Claude told her. Well, he wasn't lying... "That's...Let's not think about that, okay?"

"Okay," She agreed readily. Clearly, neither of them were particularly looking forward to stepping into other leadership positions. "Hey...Claude?"


"...I love you," She blurted out randomly. He smiled, leaning his head on hers. His Teach curled up beside him as he held her closer.

"I love you too. No matter what."

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