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"Teach...are you okay?"

Claude held her hand as they walked around the monastery. She looked downcast and solemn after Rhea had told them everything, and Claude grimaced. He hated seeing her upset.

"Yeah...I think so," She responded quietly, squeezing his hand. "I can't believe Rhea made up all of Fódlan's history in an attempt to stop humanity from becoming depraved again. Now I just trash. This sword was forged from the remains of Sothis. My crest was created from her blood. I have her heart inside of me; and it's all because of Nemesis's actions! I...I feel filthy."

"Ah, Teach..."

"I'm only useful because of Nemesis's actions," His Teach sighed as they continued throughout the monastery. "His awful, genocide ways..."

"There's nothing we can do to change the past," Claude reminded her gently as they walked by the fishing pond. He pulled her towards him, and they sat on the pier quietly. "Nemesis was a murderer, who used the progenitor god to massacre millions of innocent people..."

His Teach stayed quiet at this, feeling rather guilty. Claude wrapped his arm around her reassuringly, squeezing her hand again.

"...But you're not like that," Claude told her, and she glanced at him with her bottom lip trembling. "Sure, Nemesis may have used her power for wrong...but now you can right his wrongs. You can use the power granted to you for a just cause."

"I mean, I guess," She sighed, tilting her head onto his shoulder. "I mean, I will. Of course I will. But it's coukd Nemesis do such an awful
thing? How could Rhea glorify it!? I don't understand why she fabricated the history that presented Nemesis as a hero, when he killed all of her brethren..."

"I don't really understand Rhea herself," Claude admitted. "...But she was desperate. Desperate for her mother..."

"...I have no choice but to forgive her."

"That's not true," Claude responded quietly, resting his head upon hers. "There's always a choice."

"...She's going to die soon," His Teach whispered, a frightened tone in her usually calm and serene voice. "I...I have to lose another person? I know I wasn't as close to Rhea, and I know that I hated her for awhile...But that doesn't mean I want her to die! Even if she's crazy.."

"...Are you upset about your heart?" Claude asked instead, unable to resist his curiosity. His Teach sighed again, uncertain.

"Yes. No. I-I don't know," She wavered, closing her eyes. "I'm angry that Rhea did that...But also, how can I be mad? She saved my life. I would be dead right now. Even if she did it for her own selfish reasons...she treated me with respect. It took her awhile to realize I wasn't her mother, but I can remember times where she truly treated me like a friend..."


"But this is the progenitor god's- this is Sothis's heart inside of me!" His Teach lifted her head, staring into the pond frustratedly. "She was murdered by Nemesis, and my mother died giving birth to me. Rhea probably did something to her to make sure I was alive. I don't- I just...Everything is so complicated."

"I know," Claude responded quietly, fiddling with something in his pocket. It was a beautiful, slim golden ring with an emerald that twinkled in the light. Not now. Not until it's all over.... "But it's almost done."

And you're coming with me to Almyra.

No, Claude. You can't be selfish.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," She agreed, balling one of her hands into a fist. "I can't wait to settle down. All of this will be over...I mean, I plan to keep fighting while you manage all your kingly duties..."

"...I don't think the people are particularly keen on me becoming king," Claude admitted, a distressed look on his face. How am I supposed to tell her..? She frowned, crossing her arms.

"Nonsense. Did you see how they cheered after your speech?" She pointed out. "They want you. They need you."

"They would rather have you," Claude shrugged, downcast. "A Queen that Rhea trusts, an Archbishop who will reveal the truth and teach ways of peace."

"Yeah, but...I think you forget that I'm not very good at that," Her frown grew wider, and she shook her head. " all. I hardly even know peace. You? Everyone follows you...because you're charismatic. You have a way with words...even if you think it's not enough."

"Regardless of all that, they'll follow your every word without question."

"...Let's not talk about this right now," She sighed, running a hand through her minty green hair. Their feet dangled over the side of the pier, the water gleaming in the sunset. "...The sky is beautiful."

"It always is," Claude agreed readily, glancing upwards. "...Are you ready to fight Nemesis?"

"I'm ready to beat him down. That's the one thing I'm sure of."


When the war is over..

Everything will be solved.


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