When It Rains, It Pours

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"It's raining..."

Claude stared at the sky outside the castle's walls. It was indeed pouring, and Claude instinctively pulled his cape around them, even though they were inside the throne room.

"Of course it is..." She sniffled, pulling herself closer to him. "It always is raining after something bad happens..."

Oh, right...She was speaking of her father, Jeralt. When he'd died, it had rained for a solid week before finally ceasing. One of those times, when coming back from Jeralt's grave, it had started pouring heavily.

Of course, Claude hadn't thought to bring an umbrella, so...

"Uh, Teach..." Claude stared at his professor who was merely staring off at the reception hall walls. She had been incredibly despondent, hardly listening or paying attention. Claude hadn't wanted to let her leave her private quarters, especially after the stunt she had pulled with the noose, but she threatened to knock him out and go alone. "Teach..."

She still didn't respond, merely feeling the rain on her hands. Claude sighed, running a hand through his hair as the water continued to pour on him. A particularly cold and large drop of water landed on his shoulder, and Claude suddenly got an idea.

He pulled the edge of his cape over his head, draping it over himself as a makeshift cover. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing. He hovered above his Teach, who didn't say anything in response. He was sure that if she wasn't so depressed she would have laughed for days.

"Alright, make a break for it!" Claude shouted, urging her forwards. It was like talking to a wall, but his Teach did eventually run, and Claude kept up with her as they ran through the rain. Claude was screaming and laughing hysterically from the situation, and even though she was still rather emotionless again, his Teach had let out a couple of amused and hysterical hiccups.

They ran past people who were safe under umbrellas, who laughed about Claude's and his Teach's actions. Edelgard scoffed at them from underneath her black umbrella, turning to tell Hubert something, but Claude didn't care. He just assumed Edelgard was being as uptight as usual.

"Almost there!" Claude announced. His shoes were soaking wet, and he wasn't sure that his cape was doing well to keep them dry, but it was better than nothing. "Come on, keep running!"

They ran faster at the final sprint to his Teach's quarters, and finally, Claude rushed to open the door. Once it swung open, they both hurried inside. Much to his surprise, she laughed softly as he shook his head like a wet dog.

"I'm actually...somewhat dry," His Teach said, keeping a blank face even as Claude shook wet droplets onto her. His eyes widened in excitement: these were the first somewhat happy words she'd spoken in awhile. "Well..was."

"Sorry," Claude offered her a guilty grin. He was far more wet than she was; most of his effort had been an attempt to keep her dry. Now, he sat in wet clothes, and he wouldn't try and get his other ones because he didn't want to leave his Teach alone. "Here, Teach. Why don't you change into some warmer clothes? I promise I won't peek."


"...Thank you for always taking care of me when something bad happens," His Teach's words snapped him back to reality. She was still crying, and Claude wasn't sure if she was crying for him or Edelgard. "I know...it's a lot of work..."

"You're never a burden for me," Claude replied sternly, squeezing her tighter. At this, she stopped speaking, trying to compose herself. "Don't worry, my Teach. I'm here.."

"Claude..." She closed her eyes, desperately trying to stop the flow of tears. "How could she kill you...? She was my friend, and she knew how much I cared for you..."

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