The Great Bridge

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"Everyone, advance forward! This is the moment that we show the Empire they are messing with serious business!"

With the flag of the Leicester Alliance held high, Claude and his troops advanced further forward. He saw the Empire troops reaching themselves, and his Teach remained stone faced. Glancing around to make sure everyone was set, Claude nodded and gave the order.

"Let's go!"

Immediately, everyone began to rush forward, obeying the plan that Claude had drilled them with. Hilda and Ingrid immediately flew straight north, ignoring the open air that no one else could cross. The other fliers filed in behind them, and Claude felt a wave of pride rush through him. He knew he could trust Hilda, no matter how much she tried to make it seem like she was useless.

He and his Teach continued to march, and his Teach unfurled her sword from its sheath as they spotted the upcoming infantry. Claude himself gripped his Failnaught tighter, immediately twirling an arrow from his quiver and expertly arming his bow. In a deft movement, Claude fired precisely, hitting a soldier directly in their leg. His Teach was much more direct, and she swung her sword rapidly towards a group of soldiers.

Her fluidity of motion only made her appear more graceful to Claude. She kicked her legs out, throwing a soldier off guard, and then swung her sword straight into a soldier's chest. The Sword of the Creator merely dented his armor, but his Teach quickly waved her hands in a circular motion. A ring of fire circled the soldier, enclosing in and burning the soldier. Claude winced slightly; he knew that killing was necessary now that they were facing the Empire, but he still hated that they had to commit murder.

No matter how much someone tried to immortalize their actions, claim that they were being glorious, they were still killing. At the end of the day, that was another person killed who wouldn't live to say hello to their family.

Raphael charged into battle, a slight grin on his face as he punched his way forward. The enemy soldier could only block Raphael's strong punches, but Raphael was so strong that his blows knocked the enemy over.

"This is the best time to prove my allegiance to the Empire!" A shrewd voice proclaimed behind all of his troops, and Claude rolled his eyes. He had a feeling he knew exactly who that voice belonged to. "The Alliance should have never fought against the Empire..."

"Acheron," Claude curled his lip in distaste as he watched the curly blonde noble ascend onto the battle field. A flank? You really think I didn't plan for that? He was accompanied with his own troops, obviously planning to overtake the Alliance and prove himself to the Empire. Claude had never liked him. "Well, at least this gives me a reason to kill you."

He immediately glanced over to his Teach before raising his voice.

"Everyone, continue forward! Seize the fortress," Claude directed, and then glanced back towards Acheron with a steely glint in his eyes. "Teach, Lysithea! Let's take him out."

Claude deftly sniped an enemy knight that was marching behind Acheron. With intense precision, the arrow pierced the soldier right in the neck, where armor couldn't protect him. He fell to the ground, choking and grasping his neck desperately.

A cloud of purple smoke engulfed the next soldier, slowly encasing him as he screamed in terror. Lysithea kept a concentrated look on her face as she pushed her hands forward, sending him to the ground. Meanwhile, his Teach swung her sword effortlessly, quickly sheathing her sword and spinning to unleash a devastating blast of fire near the armored soldier. The soldier fell, leaving Acheron alone.

"I've waited forever to get rid of you," Acheron sneered, raising his hands. He had been the first to try and get Claude off of the leadership position; the first to call him delusional and insane. Claude smirked at the situation; they apparently felt the same way about each other. "The Leicester Alliance will be better off without a buffoon like you! At least Edelgard has some common sense!"

Acheron quickly waved his arms in a circle, his actions so broadcasted that even though Claude had trouble locating where magic had a tendency to hit, Claude was able to easily dodge the ice heading towards him. Claude faked a yawn, immediately charging forward. Unable to conjure up another spell to compete with Claude's deftness, Acheron shrieked and brought his hands up to try and protect his body.

His actions were for naught. Claude took no joy in killing, but he felt no sympathy for the man as he plunged his sword into Acheron's chest.

"I...I...should have never..." Acheron screeched in pain as Claude quickly pulled his sword out from Acheron's body. His corpse collapsed to the ground as Claude wiped the blood from his sword.


"Let's head back," Claude instructed, quickly squeezing his Teach's hand reassuringly before running back towards the front line with her. Immediately, they met Ladislava, who had charged to try and take advantage of the flank.

"I should have never trusted him with such a significant mission," Ladislava narrowed her red eyes from atop her wyvern. She wielded her axe proudly, dodging the arrow as Claude tried to take advantage of her speech. "Your fight ends here!"

Claude was in no mood for chatter. He whistled, signaling for Lysithea to attack. Immediately, ominous, violet magic swirled forwards, closing in on the flying general. Ladislava flinched backwards as she was hit, and his Teach rushed forward. Claude drew an arrow backwards, releasing the string and letting it fly.

His arrow pierced the wyvern right in the head. It screeched loudly, falling to the ground. As it began to lose altitude, his Teach swung her sword forward and quickly slammed her sword into Ladislava's chest.

The general fell to the ground with her wyvern, managing to mutter out a couple of parting words.

"I'm sorry...Lady Edelgard..."

Claude smirked, glancing over to watch Hilda and Ingrid kill another cavalier. He was about to talk about their victory when he caught sight of a group riding out from one of the fortresses. Immediately, his smile dropped as he caught sight of who it was, and he heard Dorothea gasp loudly.

Ferdinand smiled back weakly, a sorrowful but determined look on his face.

"In the name of the Aegir household, I will defend this bridge."

hey everyone, bruh i literally would have had this update out earlier but i got like 700 words deleted when i reloaded wattpad so that's funn

anyways thanks for reading !

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