A Divine Revelation

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"Professor, you overslept!"

Byleth rubbed her eyes sleepily as she heard shouting outside of her door. She slowly sat up, recognizing Seteth's voice.

"This is extremely unprofessional," Seteth announced, an annoyed tone in his voice. She could just imagine the frustration in his face. "Lady Rhea is awaiting your presence, and-"

"I'm awake," Byleth interrupted him, slowly sliding herself out of bed. She stretched her arms, yawning as she began to get dressed. "Give me a moment, Seteth. I am coming."

"Please hurry," He reminded her. "We must not keep her waiting."

Oh, right.

Today was the day...

The day that Rhea wanted her to sit upon the throne. Byleth was surprised she even managed to fall asleep after having such awful thoughts throughout her mind. She suddenly heard some talking outside her door, leaving Byleth curious. Byleth hurried to put on her clothes, opening the door.

"Hey, Teach," Claude greeted her, Seteth nowhere in sight. Byleth just stared at him, confused.

"Where did you come from?"

"Well, I was passing by and I saw Seteth yelling by your door, so I just told him that I'd take you," Claude explained, a forced smile on his face. It wasn't because he was being superficial around her; it was just that they both knew what might happen at the Holy Tomb. "He was rather adamant that he should take you, but I managed to persuade him."

"Congratulations," Byleth nodded, glancing back at her room. "...I hope I didn't forget anything."

"I don't think you need anything...Ah. Maybe your sword, just in case something goes wrong?" Claude suggested.

"You're right," Byleth agreed, heading back in and strapping the Sword of the Creator to her waist. She closed the door once she got outside, taking a deep breath. "...Okay."

"You sure you're ready?" Claude questioned, a worried look in his eyes. "I'm sure we can afford to blow some time. Seteth will be angry, but I don't personally care about hurting his feelings very much."

"I'm ready. I don't want to think about this anymore," Byleth sighed, a solemn look on her face. "...Okay. I can do this."

"Yes, Teach. You can."

He held out his hand, making Byleth's eyes widen. Claude put on a small smile, trying to keep things positive. She had to stop herself from tearing up.

Byleth took his hand, biting her lip nervously.

"Let's go."


"Now, place yourself upon the Holy Throne, where Sothis once resided."

Byleth immediately glanced over to Claude, concerned. Rhea was proclaiming all these things about her hope, but Byleth could only think about her own fear. Claude nodded, a reassuring look in his emerald eyes.

"...Hold on, Rhe...Lady Rhea," Claude interjected before Byleth could step up. "Just what do you think will happen?"

"She will receive a message from the Goddess," Rhea informed them, a wishful look on her face. "I have worked so hard for this day..."

"Am I going to be in danger by sitting upon this throne?" Byleth questioned, a distrustful expression on her features. Rhea shook her head urgently.

"No," Rhea immediately shot her answer down. "You should be entirely safe. I promise."

While Rhea's promises didn't necessarily mean anything to her, Byleth knew she didn't really have a choice. Not while she was trapped in a room and surrounded by church soldiers; she'd probably be killed immediately. With a sigh, Byleth began to walk up the stairs.

She held her chin up high, even though she was truly terrified. Were these the last few moments of her life? Byleth may have been willing to sacrifice her life in previous years, but now she had so much to live for...

Upon reaching the top, Byleth took a deep breath and sat on the throne.

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