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These next two chapters werent supposed to exist, but someone commented something and i couldn't resist :)

"Claude, I'm barely pregnant. I promise you don't have to wrap me in a bubble."

Byleth sighed as Claude hurriedly paced the room, asking her a million questions about how she was feeling, what she wanted to eat, and if she needed to take a day off.

She was being coddled like she was the baby. Yet, Byleth mostly found it adorable, only because it showcased just how ready Claude was to become a parent.

She could picture it now; Claude holding a little baby girl in his arms and cooing to her softly, or helping a little boy to walk. He was so fitting to become a parent!

Yet... was she?

She was an empty vessel until she had met Claude. Would she even be able to feel for her kid? Or would her emotions only be able to stem from seeing Claude's reactions?

No. Byleth couldn't think like that. She knew the kid inside of her would be loved not just by Claude, but by her. She couldn't let negativity control her life.

She'd be a fine parent. She had to be.

"Look, I'm just trying to be cautious!" Claude defended himself as he protectively squeezed her hand. "What if you're training and you hurt the baby?"

"A little physical exercise won't hurt the baby," Byleth chuckled, and then paused. "...It won't, right? I don't know anything about children."

"You don't know anythin-wait, actually, that makes sense," Claude interrupted himself, remembering how Byleth's childhood had only been her father taking care of her. "I don't really know much about pregnancy, but what if you're training hurts the child?"

"You mean...You mean I can't fight? I can't even pick up a sword?" Byleth frowned, placing her hands on her stomach. Training was her greatest hobby! How was she supposed to give that up? "What am I supposed to do, sit around all day?"

"I mean...Queenly duties?" Claude shrugged, but quickly grew serious as she didn't smile at his little joke. "I'm sorry, Teach. But I don't want the child to be at risk. What if something happens? But..we can ask Manuela. She knows far more than we do."

"Okay. That's a good idea," Byleth agreed, knowing that this way, they'd at least be getting expert advice. "...Claude, are we going to be able to handle Fódlan while I'm pregnant? I know you've been worked up lately, staying up all night to try and fix what I did-"

"What you did? Teach, you ran Fódlan perfectly. Stop trying to doubt your ability to rule," Claude reminded her softly but sternly, smoothing her green hair down. "You didn't do anything wrong. I'm only up at night because being King means I have to listen to the people, and I don't want to make you do any more than you have to. I've got this, remember? It's what I'm best at."

"Dealing with cranky nobles?" Byleth sniffled, laughing softly. He chuckled, nodding as he caressed her face.

"Yeah, I'm used to it by now," Claude's thumbs ran over her smooth skin, trying to comfort his distressed wife. "You're pregnant, Teach. Even before that, you never enjoyed all of this. Let me do this as the King of Fódlan and Almyra...but also as your dutiful husband."

"...Alright, fine," Byleth relented, shrugging. "So, now what?"

"Well...I'm taking you to Almyra!" Claude grinned, kissing her on the forehead lightly. "I promised I'd be back, and both Nader and Nadia are anxious to go home. So, we leave today!"

"Well, I've always wanted to visit your hometown. Let's go!"


A day later, the couple landed in the heat of Almyra. They had traveled by wyvern, of course, and Nader and Nadia landed right behind them.

"My King! You're back!" The villagers cheered as Skye swooped past them, landing in the gardens of Almyra's palace. Byleth looked around in utter awe, amazed.

"Claude, it's beautiful here..."

"I know," Claude grinned charmingly, dismounting Skye and helping Byleth off the well behaved wyvern. "I can't wait to show you off to everyone."

"Show me off?"

"Oh, yeah. I don't think he went a day without talking about you," Nadia chortled from the side, a generous smile on her face. She had finally come to terms with Claude's reign. "The Almyrans will love her."

"I know," Claude chuckled, and walked them both to Almyra's balcony. He opened the doors wide, a wide smile on his face. People were watching in admiration at the two. "People of Almyra, here is your Queen, my beloved Teach...Byleth von Riegan!"

It took a moment, but people began to applaud. Byleth felt her lips draw into a grin as she held on tightly to his arm.

"It's beautiful here," Byleth repeated, a sparkle in her green eyes. "I love it. Almyra is going to flourish under our reign."

He grinned.

"I know."

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