Message From The King

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"Claude. Look what I've got."

"Is it a letter from Teach?" Claude glanced up from his paperwork hopefully. Nader shook his head from side to side, making Claude slump slightly.

"No..." Nader sighed, hating to see Claude so dejected. The future king had been talking nonstop about his Professor and their unborn child for the past two days. While Nader's news wasn't about that, it was something that could help Claude see them sooner. "But it's from your father."

"My father?" Claude's eyes widened. In all honesty, Claude hadn't expected him to reach out to him. He hadn't planned on harming his father, but he certainly had never been very close to him. Claude took the letter, opening it. He read it over, widening his eyes. "...He's...requesting our presence."

"He wants to meet?" Nader repeated in disbelief, just as surprised as Claude was. In all honesty, Nader had probably conversed more with his father, Hassan Karim, more than Claude himself had. "Well, I suppose with most of those idiots out of here, the king is making his own decisions for once. When does it say for?"

"As soon as possible," Claude shrugged. "Ready to head out, then?"

"Not so fast."

Nadia appeared from the shadows, an indignant look on her stern, tanned face. She twirled her bouncy blonde hair around her finger in annoyance.

"Were you planning on leaving without me?" Nadia questioned, crossing her arms. Claude fought the urge to roll his eyes, and he instead forced a smile on his face.

"My apologies, Nada. I'm not quite used to having a third member to rely on," Claude said amicably, hiding his uneasiness behind his usual smile. "I would honestly prefer it if you remained here so that someone could look after this base."

"I have to insist that I come along," Nadia shrugged, unwilling to fold. "My apologies, your Highness. But I must see for my own eyes what my king has to say."

Nader turned to Claude with pleading eyes. He could tell Claude didn't trust the newcomer, but he was still hoping the two would eventually see eye to eye. Claude grimaced.

"Alright, fine. But we're leaving now."

"Understood!" Nadia said cheerfully, hoisting her silvery axe over her shoulder. "Well, lets head out!"

They all boarded their wyverns, taking off towards the palace. They flew in silence. After awhile, they made it to the palace. Upon landing, the soldiers began to point bows at them. Claude rolled his eyes.

"Some greeting."

"It's the traitors!" The soldiers whispered between their ranks as they eyed Nader and Nadia. Both wyvern riders remained calm, ignoring the whispers around them.

"Stand down!" A voice resounded, commanding and clarion. Instantly, the soldiers lowered their weapons respectfully. Claude lifted his eyes slowly to meet a pair of cold, brown irises. It was his father, Hassan. His father, the King... "Hello, Claude."

"Hey," Claude greeted tensely, his jaw set in a hard line. He couldn't bring himself to try and smile. Here he was, facing the man who had sent him off to Fódlan and been blind to the prejudice Claude had faced. Here he was, facing the man who has accidentally kept terrible people in his company.

"It's good to see you, Nadia, Nader," Hassan greeted, with no source of sincerity in his voice.

"Likewise," Nadia responded evenly. The soldiers still gripped their weapons, ready to fight at the King's command.

"Why don't we bring this inside?" Hassan invited, gesturing for them to follow him. They hesitantly left their wyverns there, dismounting and following the King inside the palace.

The doors shut behind them as they entered the throne room.

Immediately, the King relaxed when no one was there. He grimaced, running a hand through his graying hair. His eyes were warm and alive, as compared to the icy tranquility Claude had witnessed earlier.

"My boy, how have you been?" The King stepped up to embrace Claude in a hug. Claude just froze, uncomfortable. This was his father, but Claude didn't know him well. "I heard about the great things you've done in Fódlan. Well done. I wish I could say the same around here."

"Er...I'm fine," Claude shrugged, awkwardly pulling away from the embrace. The King looked disappointed, but Claude couldn't help it. "Fódlan is fine. I hope to make the same changes around here."

"Yes," The King nodded gravely, pressing his lips into a tight grimace. "It has come to my attention that some of the people in my committee are quite...corrupt. I honestly never knew this. The riots grow stronger every day. Most people are advocating for you, Claude. It was only a matter of time."

"Yes, they are," Claude agreed, liking that the King was addressing the issue. Apparently he'd been disillusioned lately about his evil committee, and now the King was being reasonable. Maybe he wasn't as helpless and reliant on other people as Claude had thought. "This doesn't have to end violently. If you-"

"I know," The King interrupted cheerfully, making Claude do a double take. The King raised his hands with a carefree attitude. "The throne is yours."

"Really?" Claude furrowed his brow in confusion and suspicion. A month had seemed like the minimum amount of time he'd be in Almyra, he had to confess. There was no way things were just this easy! "But...I don't understand."

"I've been seeing what you're up to. You took down almost all of those evil members of the committee," The King grimaced at the reminder of his own mistakes, but quickly pressed on. "You're advocating for peace and for the people. Hell, you liberated all of Fódlan! You can do what I've tried and failed. Just take care."

"...I don't understand. Is this a trap?"

"No. You're just as suspicious as your mother was," The King chuckled, a saddened look in his eyes. "If only she could see you now...well, anyway. The crowning ceremony will take place in two days. I'll arrange for it, and then you'll finally be the king of Almyra."

"...You know the people won't be happy if you get away with no ramifications," Claude said quietly. "They will want justice. They don't understand you were being led around...and I don't think most people would care."

"Oh, I know..." The King shrugged. "But I'm willing to pay for my mistakes. So, what do you say, my boy?"

Claude paused, taking a look around him. Almyra's castle had golden walls (fitting, considering the house he used to lead) with imposing posts and a silvery throne. He glanced at Nader and Nadia. Nader was standing encouragingly, while Nadia eyed the King instead. Claude turned to face his father.

"Of course. Of course."

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