A New Look

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"So you had the soul of a Goddess with you, and that's why you now have green hair and eyes?"

Byleth rolled her eyes. She had been getting questioned constantly by Claude, and while she knew he did it out of worry, it still bothered him that he felt the need to ask her.

"Yup. And don't you dare even think about treating me coldly again," Byleth warned. He laughed mirthlessly.

"Unfortunately, Teach, I can't help but feel suspicious of you."

No, not this again. Sothis help me-

...Oh. Right...

"Claude, after all we've done?" Byleth felt pathetic as she grabbed his hand. He clearly wasn't expecting her to do so as he tensed, and she shook it as if to remind him of their promise. "You said..."

"I...I know," Claude said hesitantly. "It's just that.. I can't help it. It's in my nature to question everything."

"I promise I'm still me. Please. Remember..."

"...Sorry," Claude sighed, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "...And I'm not going back on my word. I won't treat you like nothing, but you have to realize I need to make sure I'm speaking to you and not the...Goddess."

"...Claude, the Goddess is in me now. She has no control over me," Byleth sighed wistfully. She missed the little voice inside of her head, no matter how annoying Sothis had been sometimes. "That's certainly not anything you need to worry about. I'm here."

It did take him a long moment to think about it, but he eventually nodded.

"I...I know," Claude sighed. "You know, I've never had so much blind trust in anyone before. Yet, I have no choice but to believe you."

"I've never known anyone who's ever made me feel this way before," Byleth whispered, glancing up at him. Not even her own father had filled her with such emotion before, and Byleth felt a twinge of regret. Claude made her smile like Jeralt hadn't ever...

He leaned in closer to her, watching her intently. Byleth looked up at him, unsure of what he was planning, but she certainly wasn't complaining.

But before anything could happen, Claude backed away, dropping her hand. He looked down, and Byleth let out a slight sigh.

"We shouldn't," Claude shook his head. "We're friends. Just friends. Teacher and student."

"Right," Byleth agreed, but she couldn't help but think about how much she wanted to be able to embrace him freely. "Professors and students don't mix like that."

He laughed, although she knew it was his cover-up laugh. The one he used when he was uncomfortable, or when things weren't going his way.

She figured it was the latter.

If only we were born into different lives, Claude wished. I can't be with you...If only we could leave these academy days and be free, away from these teacher and student restrictions...

"Just friends," Claude repeated, as if trying to convince himself. "At the very least, we'll always be that. I promise."


"You look like her."

Byleth looked over her shoulder to see Edelgard. After Byleth's heartracing moment with Claude, she found it a little bit hard to talk normally. She was confused. Who was Edelgard talking about, and why did she say 'her' with such disdain?


"The Archbishop," Edelgard said sharply. Her lavender eyes surveyed Byleth coldly. "Just what happened to you, Professor?"

"I fused with the Goddess," Byleth shrugged. It was what she had told everyone, and the only people to truly believe her were Claude and Rhea. She could tell that Edelgard was not one of those who understood what she meant.

"With the Goddess...Professor, I've heard Rhea is most pleased with your results," Edelgard said. "The Adrestian Empire could thrive with you by our side, but I do not expect you to side with me any longer."

"I'm sorry," Byleth offered a small smile with her apology, unaware of what Edelgard was about to do. "The Golden Deer is where I belong. I will not pretend otherwise. I am grateful that you have talked with me."

"What has Claude done for you?" Edelgard viewed her calculatingly. "I'm aware that our paths must cross, now, but I must know...why have you chosen the Deer?"

"They can support me like no one else can."

"...I could have supported you, Professor."

"No, you couldn't have. You didn't support me while I was despondent," Byleth shook her head. "My Deer, my students...They all held me up when I was down. Claude stayed with me, and kept me from...shutting down. My apologies, Edelgard."

"...I see," Edelgard bristled at the mention of Claude. "Farewell, Professor."

As Byleth watched Edelgard walk away, a gut feeling told her something bad was about to happen. That tragedy was about to strike.

And for some reason, she felt like she was staring danger in the face.

guys ...which month is the throne of knowledge? i really can't remember

also someone asked if they can make suggestions. please do :) i have a lot of stuff pre written already but i'm not against suggestions!

thanks for reading :)

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