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"I'm sorry for doubting you, Claude."

Hilda stood shamefully beside him with a regretful look on her face. Along with pretty much everyone else, she hadn't exactly believed him when he'd waited for Teach, although she had amused him and gone along with it. While she hadn't called him delusional like the others in the Leicester Alliance, she felt guilty for not being there for him as much as she could have been.

"Well, I probably sounded crazy," Claude reminded her, a small smile on his face. He didn't hold any hard feelings towards her; he knew she was trying to hold herself together during the five years. He knew that she worried about her brother Holst everyday. "I don't blame you, Hilda."

"But I knew how close you were with the Professor. I think I could have at least been more understanding."

"...Wait a moment," Claude completely ignored the last part of what she had said, raising a brow in surprise. "You knew? Even when we were students?"

"Well, Claude, it was obvious!" Hilda defended herself from his accusing glance. "I mean, you guys were always together! I think I was always on your side, by the way. I figured it out back at the dance-"

"We weren't even together during the ball!" Claude exclaimed, bringing his hand to his chin in confusion. "How would you know!?"

"You guys would practically flirt all the time! It was so obvious, I called it before you guys even did!"

"...To be fair, that was around the time where we started having romantic feelings for each other," Claude admitted, a guilty smile creeping onto his features. "Sometimes I forget how deceptively perceptive you are. You could be quite dangerous with that, Hilda."

"Uh, unfortunately, I'll leave that to you," Hilda shot him an innocent look. "Well, anyways...I just needed to get it off of my chest."

"Hilda, don't stress about that."

"I won't anymore...But I have to tell you something," Hilda's voice suddenly became serious. "I was walking through the city and I heard these people calling you idiotic and delusional for trying to find our Professor."

Ah, yes. Claude was quite aware of the insults that were hurled at him because of his desperation to find his Teach. While he didn't want it to hurt, it still did.

"I already know people didn't like my persistence, Hilda."

"Well, you didn't let me finish!" Hilda pouted slightly. "I totally walked over and let them have it! I promise I didn't say that you were together, but I told them that the Professor was alive and that she was coming back. That's why I felt bad that I wasn't here for you; because I still believed in the Professor too. I just didn't want to face the possibility that she could be dead. That's why I tried I move on so quickly."

"Hilda," Claude gave a soft smile to her. "It's okay. I totally get it. You were busy with your brother, and your own general problems. To be honest, even if you were around, it wouldn't have done anything."

"I'm sure it would have been nice to have some support. I'm sorry that my own unwillingness hurt you..."

"Don't worry about it," Claude waved it off, not quite sure why people always felt the need to apologize again and again. "You know how you can make it up? Don't mention what happened those five years to Teach. I don't want her to know that I was struggling."

"Can do.." Hilda nodded. "But are you sure? I'm sure that talking could help-"

"I'd rather just forget what happened," Claude smiled softly. He appreciated how Hilda was actually trying to own up for her mistake, instead of offering empty words. "Please?"

"Okay. I trust your judgment, Claude."


"Now relax...Yes. Professor, you need to relax a little bit more. Just think, of the water falling down, or the beach...Or maybe think of Claude, that might help-"

"Dorothea!" Byleth blushed, sitting up in her chair. The girl had been trying to help her relax after an awful day. Claude was in an all day meeting, planning to try and meet up with Judith of Daphnel. She had offered to help, but Claude had told her he had needed to think of a place alone. Which...Left Byleth on edge and extremely bored. "Will you guys never let that go?"

"Hehe! Sorry Professor...But I don't think so," Dorothea giggle. "I mean, you two are just so romantic. You've been gone for five years, and he's been trying to find you desperately. Finally, you show up, and confess your undying love, and have a good night out!"

"It's wrong to love one of my students."

"But that didn't change anything, did it?"

"It should have. But I let my feelings get in the way," Byleth sighed. "Now I'm...Even more in love with him. Dammit."

"When did you start liking him?"

"I don't even know," Byleth admitted. "Some time before the war started. Before everything went to hell because of Edelgard..."

"...Yeah. That's fair. You know, I cant believe...That she wanted a war so badly that she'd do this."

"Some people can't be reasoned with."

After her talk with Dorothea and a long day, Byleth headed back to her room. The door was in place once again, much to Byleth's relief. She opened her door, only to find Claude sprawled out on her bed. He looked exhausted, and Byleth couldn't help but giggle.

"Well, good to know my hard work is funny to you," Claude's lips lifted into a smile at the sight of her. "How has your day been?"

"Feels weird moving after five years...and I'm being bombarded by everyone," Byleth sighed. She sat down next to him, holding his hand. "How did the meeting go?"

"Boring, but that's no surprise," Claude laughed. "That's all I've been doing recently. It's been a struggle to talk to all these nobles who think that fighting against Edelgard is futile. Lorenz' father is rather hard to convince, actually."

"Not surprising."

"Unfortunately, Teach, I'm gonna need you there for the next one," Claude sighed. "Didn't want to have to drag you there, but they'll listen to you better than me."

"It's no problem if it helps you."

"Good to know," Claude smiled devilishly, and she wondered just what he had in mind. Probably nothing good, she mused.

"You'd better not take advantage of that fact," Byleth warned, placing a hand on his chest. "I only meant that for meetings, not in general-"

Claude cut her off by pulling her closer to him, a grin on his face. She gasped as he leaned up to kiss her, and she straddled his sides as his tongue ran over the back of her teeth.

"On second thought," Byleth gasped between kisses. "I take it back."

He chuckled into her mouth, kissing her one last time, and then pulling away. Claude laid his head back on the bed, exhausted. She giggled, rolling off of his hips and next to him.

"It's been too long of a day for anything besides cuddling," Claude mumbled. Byleth didn't respond, she only stared at his face. His eyes were closed, hiding his beautiful emerald eyes. Five years had somehow made him even more handsome. He opened his eyes, laughing as he caught her staring at his face. "You really like looking at my face, don't you?"

"Uh..." Byleth blushed madly, having been caught in an embarrassing situation.

"Don't worry, my friend. I like looking at yours, too," He winked, making her blush even harder. "...You really haven't aged at all."

"...Is that a compliment?"

They remained there, cuddled in each other's arms as they enjoyed each other's company. Eventually, Claude's breathing slowed as his eyes shut. Byleth smiled, and cuddled him closer to her. He was asleep, but he shifted into her arms, muttering something Byleth couldn't make out.

It may have been five years, but nothing had changed between them.

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