Losing Hope

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"That's Claude, the Master Tactician! Isn't he dreamy!?"


Well, that was one word Claude had never heard anyone describe him as. People had flirted with him all the time, and Claude was used to compliments, but dreamy?'That was a new one.

Plus, now it was a stinger. The only person he wanted to hear things like that from was missing.

Not that anyone knew that.

Still, Claude couldn't help but be resentful of the young village girl who picked herself out of her group of friends to approach him. She had teal hair that came down to her waist, and eyes as blue as the ocean. She almost reminded him of his Teach; but the girl in front of him was much too excitable and girly to be her.

"Hello there," She smiled as her friends cheered her on behind her. "You're Claude, aren't you? My friends and I are all very impressed by your work."

"Yeah, well, doing my best," Claude put on his fake grin, knowing that he had to keep a pleasant exterior for everyone else to see. "The war won't take the Leicester Alliance down, I can promise that."

"Heh! I believe that," She laughed playfully, a sparkle in her eyes. Someone else would have written it off as her being excited, but Claude knew better. She was trying to manipulate him for something. It was the same tactic he himself had once resorted to. "By the way, my name is Takuma. I know you have a lot going on and everything, but would you be interested in going out for tea with me?"

"Ah, I'm afraid that as you mentioned before, I'm far too busy for trivial matters like tea," Claude effortlessly explained his way out of the proposal. In reality, all that Claude had planned was creating more search parties to find his Teach. "Thanks for the invitation."

"Oh, but I simply insist! A person like you must require a break at some time."

Damn. Here this person was, looking like his Teach and offering him a respite from all this emotional pain. He could just agree with her, accept her offer, finally move on from his Teach.


There was no way in hell Claude was going to give in like that.

Even if she never resurfaced, Claude wouldn't be able to move on. If there was no evidence, Claude wouldn't give up hope.

At least, that's what he told himself.

"My apologies. I have a meeting later to discuss what we will do with the kingdom, and I must begin to prep for it."

"Ah, what a shame," Takuma pressed her lips onto a tight, thin line. "Perhaps I'll see you around, Master Tactician."

He was beginning to hate that nickname just because of her.

"Probably not," Claude said with an easygoing smile. "Well, I'll take my leave then."

He strode away, leaving the annoyed girl behind.

It's gonna take a lot more than that to take me away from you, Teach.


His Teach was here.

His emerald green eyes widened in surprise, and before he knew it, he was running. Claude was sprinting as fast as he could, towards her, and she ran to him as well. His hand outstretched, he meant to reach her and kiss her, remind her how much he loved her when the ground suddenly crumbled underneath her.

He screamed as she fell, clinging onto the cliff's edge. The rock was breaking off, and Claude quickly knelt down, extending his hand  with a panicked look on his face. Byleth reached her other hand out, about to grasp his hand so he could pull her to safety when the ground underneath her other hand broke off.

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