The New Dawn

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"This ends today! Here, and now!"

Byleth tightened the grip on the Sword of the Creator. On Sothis's body and bones, forced into the build of a weapon...

Ew. Don't think about that...

Claude was delivering another morale speech, and the soldiers clung on to his every word. Byleth smiled from behind him. She couldn't wait for him to become king; he just suited the role in every way possible. He was incredibly charming, intelligent, and, most importantly, he believed in peace. He could do what no one else could.

Rhea wanted Byleth to uphold Fódlan, but Byleth refused. She didn't want to be respected simply because of her connection to Sothis. Without the Sword of the Creator and her minty green hair, no one ever would have even thought about listening to Byleth.

She simply couldn't take on that job, not when Claude was so much better suited for it. Not when everyone would only listen to her because of Rhea's blessing. Why couldn't Rhea bless Claude as the king...?

"We will be fighting against the so called King of Liberation," Claude exclaimed, a determined look in his emerald eyes. Byleth's eyes wandered to where his similarly colored earring dangled from his earlobe, and her smile grew a little wider. "He has stolen everything from us. From the Archbishop. He created a world where humans strive for violence...but now, we'll put a permanent end to it. Is everyone with me!?"

"YES!" Everyone roared excitedly, their hands in the air. Claude grinned, pumping his fist in the air as well.

"This is it! The final battle! Now, let's march!"

The final battle...

Nemesis, I'm coming for you!


"Seiros! I will destroy you!"

Nemesis looked far different than Byleth had expected.

For one, he wasn't dashing or young. He was old and grizzled, with many scars and fearsome eyes. His gray hair flowed wildly, and his Sword of the Creator gleamed red with the Crest Stone.

He stole Sothis's heart...

Don't worry. I'll avenge you.

His army approached from behind him, all holding the so called Hero's Relics. Now that Byleth knew the truth, she sneered at this. They had murdered so many people, and Rhea had finally quelled them. Now they were back, because of those who slithered in the dark...

For the sake of everyone who died, she would abolish Nemesis, once and for all.

As Claude's arrow struck the soldier using Freikrugal, he looked over to Byleth in confusion and surprise.

"Could..Could these be the 10 Elites?" Claude questioned as he dug the arrow out of the zombie's dead body. "...Unlikely. But...maybe."

Byleth tore her sword out of the soldier's chest with a grunt in response. She took a moment to wipe the sweat from her brow.


At the sound of Claude's voice, Byleth immediately followed his orders. She rolled to the ground as an arrow flew over her head, piercing itself in a soldier's chest effortlessly. As Byleth got up from the floor, she smiled.

"Thank you..."

"Professor, Claude!" Hilda flew over from her wyvern, throwing a hand axe with deadly strength as she headed over. "Get out of the fog, it's not safe!"

"Come on up!" Claude yelled, and Byleth ran towards him quickly. She twirled her hands, sending forth a bolt of thunder that quickly took down the soldier wielding Areadbhar. She felt a twinge of regret as she remembered how Dimitri had once fallen, and she paused with her hand outstretched towards Claude. The soldier threw Areadbhar at her. and Claude quickly swooped by, grabbing onto her hand and pulling her onto his wyvern.

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