Closing Note

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holy crud you guys. this book is over.

i started this book... when? the very end of december and here i am, on the 20th of march, finishing an 100 chapter something. did you guys know i updated pretty much every day except for one 3 day break, and some days i would even update more than once? like holy cow what did i do to deserve such wonderful readers!

i love you all so much. thank you for taking the time to read my story. i feel like a lot of you enjoyed it and i appreciated having people to fawn over claude with :)

so, what now? if you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in the future, let me know! i do have my other book, "not this time" going on if you'd like to check that out. but i'm 100% down for writing more fire emblem stuff, so i'd love to hear requests. after all, this is only 1/4 of the routes :)

plus, poor dimitri, he has not existed in any of my books and i love him after claude so...i'd be down for writing anything, really.

if you want to ask me questions, you can here :)

i'd like to know what everyone's favorite chapter was. mine personally is probably either "the dance", "the cause of sorrow", or the epilogue because daddy claude is so adorable

well, i'm kind of rambling now (i tend to do that a lot). but i'd really like to know what you guys want. the only thing i won't do is write a oneshots book (sorry). but would you like me to follow Magnolia/Jeralt's life? do you want me to write another story of claudeleth?

or would you want something totally random like a high school version of fe3h?

GAHAHHA sorry lol i couldn't resist. i can't do that. if y'all know, i have a high school story that i hate with a burning passion

...but... maybe....


idk. leave suggestions and i'll see what i'm interested in :) i don't feel like byleth and claude have further to go in this story. they've gotten their happy ending. i would be down for writing bonus chapters tho. i'm happy for them but so sad about this book ending


as a closing note...thank each and every one of y'all for reading this book. i love you all so much. if you ever need someone to fangirl over claude with, i'm right here.

thank you for reading. love you <3

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