That Person's Name Is...

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"Claude, I'm okay. I promise I'm not completely helpless-oh-okay. Just pick me up then, I guess that's fine."

Claude grinned at his Teach charmingly as he held her in his arms. She rolled her eyes, but just continued to let him carry her across the monastery since he wouldn't have it any other way.

She was due any second now. The baby was supposed to come out this month, and that meant his Teach was very, very pregnant. Between the constant food cravings and sleepless nights, she was about sick of being pregnant.

Yet, knowing what awaited them after pregnancy-parenthood!-was more than worth the terrible nights and days for the both of them. Claude knew she was suffering, so he had continued to remain incredibly protective and caring. She had voiced multiple times about how tired she was at not being able to see her own feet.

Her stomach was huge now! She hadn't been able to pick up a sword in a long time, which actually didn't bother his Teach as much as he thought it would have.

"Just making sure the baby is safe," Claude grinned, carrying her as they walked through the monastery. Fódlan was finally stable, and flourishing under their careful reign. His Teach crossed her arms in his hold.

"Walking to the fishing pond isn't going to kill me," His Teach responded sassily, but he shrugged and continued in that direction. "Claude."

"I've got to head that way anyway," Claude told her with a lazy grin on his face. She couldn't help but smile at him, like usual. "Might as well pick up my poor Teach on the way."

"You watch your words, mister von Riegan," She playfully narrowed her eyes at him, reaching up to run her hands alongside his beard. "Well, fishing isn't bad for me, is it?"

"Hm...Let me think about it...alright, no."

"Good," His Teach smiled as they finally made it to the pond. "I'll see you in a bit, then?"

"Yeah. I love you, Teach," Claude let her down and quickly kissed her on the lips. It was a simple, sweet embrace, but it was more enough to reassure him. He always made a point of telling her he loved her before she left, it made him feel better.

"Love you too. See you soon."

She departed to the pond, and Claude made his way to the greenhouse. There it was; just what he was looking for. A pair of ivory flowers blooming perfectly, and Claude gently plucked the blossoms from their place.

They were perfect for his Teach.

He held them in his hand, standing to go and find his Teach. He loved these flowers; they were the same white ones he'd always given his Teach, and she'd always appreciated them.

A surprise gift for his beautiful wife.

"Hey, Teach," Claude greeted as he approaching the fishing pond. She wasn't actually fishing, he was just sitting with her feet dangling over the pond. She turned, standing with a smile upon seeing him. "I got you something?"

"Did you?" She asked in surprise, walking over to him. Claude took his hand from behind his back, revealing the white flowers. She laughed and took them, blushing red. "Thank you. I love these."

"I know," Claude winked.

"You know...after all this time, I still don't know what kind of flowers these are," His Teach shrugged, looking at them daintily after playing with a petal. "What are they?"

"Magnolias," Claude revealed, taking a flower and tucking it behind his Teach's ear. She giggled in appreciation.

"I guess I should have known that. I've just been calling them white flowers this whole time. Magnolia is such a pretty name, I just-"

His Teach suddenly stopped mid-sentence, immediately making Claude freak out. She clutched at her stomach gently.

"Teach? Teach, what's wrong?" Claude panicked as she looked at him.

"Don't freak out, water just broke. The baby is coming."

Instantly, Claude swept his Teach into his arms, running to the infirmary. They needed Professor Manuela, Claude certainly didn't know how to deliver a baby! Luckily, she resided in there, reading a book.

"Manuela!" Claude exclaimed, his arms shaky from carrying his pregnant wife from one side of the monastery to the other.

"Your Majesty, is something-"

"We're having the baby!" Claude interrupted, setting his Teach down gently on a bed. Manuela immediately began to make haste for their Queen.

"Is there something I can do to help?" Claude asked after pacing the room continuously. His hair was unruly from running his hands through it so many times. Manuela nodded.

"Yes. Calm down!"

His Teach was stuck in pain for another nine hours or so. Claude stayed by her side the whole time, letting her squeeze his hand when the pain got especially bad. He whispered words of affection and encouragement to her, feeling terrible that she had to suffer.

"Almost there," Claude said softly, tucking a stray piece of hair from her forehead behind her ear. The magnolia in her hair still stayed, even through the chaos. "You can do it, Teach."

Finally, it was time. Claude winced at the sounds of pain emitting from his Teach, and he almost wished the child wouldn't come if it meant his Teach wouldn't have to feel a thing.

Yet, here it was...a little crying noise resounding through the room.

"Congratulations, you two," Manuela smiled at them, properly taking care of the baby while his Teach just panted in pain after relief. "It's a boy."

"Wow," Claude took a deep breath, in utter shock. He couldn't take his eyes off of the little boy, who was crying and waving his arms around in complete confusion. "A boy.."

"I had a boy..." His Teach was in as much of a shock as Claude was. Claude smiled, rubbing his thumb against her wrist comfortingly.

"Yes, that's our son. Do you have any name suggestions?" Claude asked jokingly, but his Teach actually nodded. She wiped the sweat from her brow, tired out.

"Yes, actually. I'd...I'd like for his name to be..."

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