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Byleth was going to kill her.

Monica was standing tauntingly, going on and on about how 'this body' was such a restriction. All of a sudden, she transformed into a female with light purple skin and orange hair.

"This is my true form! My name is Kronya, and I will kill you!"

Ha. Fat chance.

Byleth ran headfirst towards Kronya, ignoring the multiple demonic beasts and soldiers around her. She could hear Claude yelling behind her, but Byleth was too focused on Kronya to noticed. She raised her sword, slamming it downwards towards Kronya ferociously.

The taunting look disappeared from Kronya's face as they continued to fight. As Byleth sliced her Sword of the Creator downwards, Kronya sucked and promptly began running.

Byleth chased after her, a furious look on her face. Kronya turned, terrified, when someone suddenly appeared behind her.

He promptly dug his hand into Kronya's chest, lifting her above the ground as she screamed in pain. He grabbed her heart, and dropped the girl onto the ground.

"" Kronya squealed, and Byleth sneered. Jeralt's killer was dead. Immediately, a cloud of purple consumed her, trapping Byleth in place. Byleth grimaced, attempting to rip herself of her restraints to no avail. Another shot of purple dove forwards, consuming her in its gaseous state and Byleth disappeared.


He'd seen her consumed by those purple flames. Claude had finally caught up to Byleth, and now she was gone! The guy in front of them had blasted his Teach into oblivion. Claude cursed himself for taking her on such a reckless adventure. He knew she was going to do something crazy, but being taken to another dimension? Then again, how could he blame her? She'd just lost her father.

Now she was gone.

No. She was going to come back. She wouldn't do something dumb and just leave us all here.

"Claude, where'd she go!?" Hilda exclaimed urgently, a panicked look on her face. As Claude looked around, he saw the terrified faces of his classmates, and he knew he had to lead them in her absence.

"She's coming back. Don't worry!" Claude shouted to everyone, refusing to believe that his Teach was gone. "We need to hold out until she comes back! Everyone, keep fighting!"

There was a moment of silence, and Claude prayed his Deer would have the same faith he did.

"Okay!" Lysithea was the first to follow his lead. "You're right, the Professor wouldn't just die in such an awful way!"

Slowly, everyone began to agree. Claude smiled, and raised his bow. He shot three arrows when the sky suddenly began to split open. He smirked; he knew exactly who that was.

The Sword of the Creator split open the sky, and his Teach stepped through. She had minty hair and sea green eyes, but it was undoubtably his Teach. She stood with a fierce expression on her face as the guy who had cast the magic looked terrified.

I trusted you to come back, Teach.


He had trusted someone.

"Everyone! Don't ask questions, just keep fighting!"

His Deer did just that, and Claude couldn't be prouder.

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