Defend the Monastery

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Byleth had never heard Seteth so angry. He had his eyebrows furrowed, and he lead the troops ferociously. From her position, Byleth took a deep breath.

"This is it, Teach," Claude drew an arrow from his quiver, watching as Edelgard's forces drew closer. "We can't lose."

"I know," Byleth sighed. "We won't lose!"

"Edelgard has betrayed the sacred Hresvelg name! She will be punished!" Rhea screeched, a menace look in her minty eyes. "...Professor, I must speak with you."

Claude was about to argue, an indignant look on his face when Byleth agreed. She shook her head at him, trying to reassure him that she'd be okay.

"Teach," Claude started, that familiar hint of fear present in his verdant orbs. She cut him off before he could voice his fears.

"Don't worry," Byleth told him. "I'll be okay."

"...Okay," Claude nodded. He quickly pulled her closer to him, kissing her quickly on the forehead. "...I...I love you. Be safe."

" you too," Byleth responded, breathless. She was thankful that no one was looking at them right now; Rhea and Seteth were talking to each other while the Deer and Lions conversed fearfully. She looked up, kissing him on the lips before disentangling herself from him. "I'll be back soon, Claude."

"I know. I trust you."


"I will kill Edelgard. The dead must have their peace."

"Whoa, Dimitri," Claude immediately backed up away slightly from the blonde haired prince. A maniacal look was on Dimitri's face as he clutched his lance, and Claude did his best to try and calm him down. "We'll take her down-"

"Her head will be mine!" Dimitri snarled, no sight of the once polite prince. "I will take her down, no matter what. For my father, for my mother, for everyone that has ever suffered because of her atrocities...I will kill for them!"

"His Highness will not be stopped, no matter what you say," Dedue told Claude, who was stunned at the sight of Dimitri's rage. "I am worried for him.".

"Can't you reason with him?" Claude questioned, a frustrated look on his face. Not only was Edelgard of Adrestia declaring a war, but Dimitri of Faerghus was going insane. His one potential ally (besides his Teach, of course) was losing his mind! "He trusts you, doesn't he?"

"Trust has nothing to do with it. He will kill Edelgard, and I will oblige to his requests," Dedue said solemnly. Claude cursed under his breath.

"Knock it off, Dimitri!" Claude told the blonde prince, who merely snarled in response.

"Perhaps you need to understand the situation better, Claude," Dimitri growled, an inhumane noise escaping from his lips. "Edelgard killed my family and the people of Duscar. She will pay for her sins!"

The prince of Faerghus stormed away, Dedue following soon after. Claude sighed, a desperate and disappointed look on his face.

"We can't win if we don't bond together..."


Rhea turned into a dragon.

Somehow, Byleth managed to hold her surprise inside. She glanced down from atop the monastery, watching Dimitri and Claude fight. Her heart tightened. He'd better follow his own advice and stay safe as well. She watched them as they noticed the giant dragon fly above them, and they were rightfully shocked. Byleth turned her attention back to Rhea's dragon form, watching as she took down multiple demonic beasts.

Rhea let out a stream of fire, setting the fields aflame and the sounds of terrified soldiers began to fill the air. She managed to swat aside another beast, but Rhea was soon overwhelmed by the sheer amount of demonic beasts. She went down, and before she knew it, Byleth jumped and ran to help her.

The beasts were struggling to hold Rhea down, and Byleth held her Sword of the Creator. It's shuddering bones creaked as it turned into it's whip form, and she struck down a demonic beast. Rhea turned to her, her telepathic voice voicing her concern.

Why have you come!?

Byleth wasn't sure how to respond to that. In the instant that she froze, a spell came straight towards her. Unable to react in time, Byleth stumbled backwards as the magic pushed her far back.

The ground was crumbling around her, and Byleth's feet gave out underneath her as the cliff broke. With a cry of desperation, Byleth desperately reached for the edge of the cliff.

She missed.

Byleth fell into the chasm, and yet, even in the dawn of her impending death, all she could think about was Claude. She swore she could hear his agonized voice, even though he was far away from her. She knew she could hear him.


Byleth tried to reach for something, anything, but she was falling too fast with nothing to stop her.

I'm sorry, Claude. I couldn't keep my promise.

Byleth hit the ground, hearing a sickening crunch and a feminine scream that echoed throughout the canyon as her vision cut to black.

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